

A story on how love changes everything.......The things you love becomes your most hated thing....at some point you become heartless and cold from a cheering one...cause that's what love is. It's painful...

Lily (crying): You said that you would love me forever. Was it all a lie?
Jake(Trying to explain): No, I only love you not anyone else.
Lily (still crying): Then why are you leaving me.
Jake(starts sobbing): Cause everything has an end and you're better off alone....you don't need me.
Lily (cries more harder): Bu-b-but I-I Lll-love Y-yo-you...(cries)
Jake (starts crying): You will find someone better than me.....Goodbye..

(5 years later)

Lily (cold): So you're gonna get married soon. Well congrats...
Stella(happy): Thanks..why don't you also find your special one.
Lily (walks away) Cause I don't want to..(turns slightly towards Stella)....and remember all men are same.
Stella (murmering): Yes They're to you. I hope you too soon find your special someone.

( Later that night)

(Phone rings and then Lily picks ups the phone and answers the call)

Viyo (bestie): Hellllooooooo
Lily (with a sigh): What?
Viyo (worried): Are you tired?
Lily (calm): I don't know...my back is hurting a lot..(sigh)
Viyo (worried): You should tak-
Lily (calm): Had your dinner?
Viyo: Yeah, what about you?
Lily: Soon going to.
Viyo: Okay then take rest and enjoy your dinner..Bye.
Lily: Bye

(In bed)

Lily (to herself): I wonder what is he doing now..
a small tear dropped from her eyes and she fall asleep..

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