

bed stalker
a man with a with a big smile will look at me at night I don't know why but he will just stare I will pretend I'm alsleep cause maybe if he saw me awake he will hurt me so this story came after I moved to my new house it was two stories but the up stair was just office and closet's my room had a window the my parents don't I had no night light so it's was pretty dark but the window had light coming from the moon my new school my mom drop me off and I saw a man a hoodie at lunch I told a kid about what I saw he looked at me and looked scared I told him what he said I know you new to the town if you need to know about Mr.smile he told all about it he was a doctor that made kids laugh but he went crazy he thought he was funny so funny he wanted to show it and carved a smile in his face he carved words saying smile and joke the police to him to and to jail he ecsaped but he was mad and killed kids for it and used them as well jokes to show them he is funny the found him he jumped of a building and died now I was scared cause that seemed real I search it up and....