

Never Stop Believing You Can Do It
The hardships come and go, what last are there emotions. Oddly the vessel itself wants to move forward, to complete the wants and needs innately put into the being we stay out as. As an artist I have been endowed with senses of magic proportion. The abilities of our physical casings are more hidden than the deep reaches of space. We are breaking all of if any remain in the human source mind that the formed obstacles are none existent. Therefore the only reason success is not achieved is because the negative is placed next to the possibilities which psychologically destroys positive energy traveling to you. Or the you who is in control. Free your whole mind not just a fraction of it so as to unlock your entire entity.
Have you ever wanted to complete a task then talk yourself out of it? Next time try simply talking yourself into the aforementioned goal. This is making the connection in the cerebellum that it is for sure possible. With your mind figuring out how to accomplish this task the body is confident as long as the capabilities are there for the body to use. To much relied on the spirit will have an unbalanced affect on the action.
© Johnny Bernard Thomas III