

Families are like branches on a tree.We grow in different directions yet our roots reamin as one.A family always be together in one home, in one hand.They take care of each others and have a lot of fun together.
An important point to have a happy family is tge role of each member in the family.The father's role is to provide love and care for the wife and children, supply the basic necessities of life such as food,shelter and clothing for the family,providing the children wity with quality education and many other. However the mother role in the family is giving birth to children,cooking for the family,keeping the house and the surrounding clean,assisting the husband
financially when necessary,seeing the normal education of the children and supervising the children's home work.While the children role in the family is the following aspects.Obeying the parents and other adults, assisting in performing household chores particularly in the kitchen,garden and laundry and being good representatives of the family in the outside world by pritecting the good name of the family.
Furthermore, a family always should be together in every problem.They have to take care of each others and help for any family member need.Also a true family should laugh together and have sad together.
At a nut shell, a family should always be together in everything.However each family have its own story,maybe its be a fun story that is full of love and adventures or will be sad.Then tell me about your story?