

Ends In Aid Season 1 Part 23
(Voiced By Frank)
It's the following day and I've gone back to WinTake company to continue being a janitor.
Well, since the court day is approaching for Ada's Murder case, with the understanding that as long as we have not found any evidence against her, Ada would soon be set free or released from jail. And she won't end up paying for killing my dad.
With such understanding, My brother, Kenneth and his bestfriend, Susan has made it their priority to find evidences against Ada.
Honestly, I wonder how they will find such solid evidence because if the police couldn't find any evidence against Ada, would they?.
Well, I hope they will find solid evidence against Ada.
Well, I came early to work again.
This time, I went straight to the janitorial manager's office to greet him and ask him concerning which office that I'll have to clean today.
So, I walked into his office and greeted him.
He asked "how are you doing today, Nathan?".
I answered "sir, I'm doing good...Ready to clean some offices".
He replied "yeah, that's good....Well, I think you're here to know which office that you're suppose to clean today, right?".
I answered "yes, sir".
He replied "well, before I tell you the office that you're gonna clean today. I want you to first know that from tomorrow henceforth, your daily operations would be indicated on the notice board like the other janitors".
I said "okay, sir. No problem".
He replied "so, the office that you shall clean today is the CEO's office".
As I said "oh no....".
He interrupted "wait, what's wrong with that".
I replied "nothing sir".
He asked 'wait, Nathan, you claim that it's nothing when it is quite obvious that you don't like the fact that you will have to clean the CEO's office. But my question is....why don't you like it?....Shouldn't the fact that you get to clean the CEO's office make you glad?....Then why do you hate such idea?".
I answered "sir, please, I didn't say that I hate it....I really don't hate it. I'm happy that I get to have such opportunity that many janitors don't have. I'm grateful but I think it's too soon for me....I mean I just started working here just yesterday....and you're already promoting me in terms of offices to clean. I really don't think that every other janitor's second day of work was to clean the CEO's office. I really don't think so".
He replied "well, you're right about that. You're really the first janitor this year that has been commanded to clean the CEO's office on his second day of work".
I asked "please, sir, why am I the first?".
He answered "well, because you're special".
I asked "and why am I special? Is it because I've finished my youth service? Or is it because I had a good upbringing?".
He answered "well, you know that better than I do. Just go and start cleaning the CEO's office".
I replied "okay, sir. Thank you". As I walked out of his office.
Well, this may seem so good to Mr Iniobong....thinking he's being kind to me....thinking I'm special or any better....but unknowingly to him...he's simply adding more trouble on my head.
Because of this, Anderson would know that I'm a janitor in his company.....and it's obvious....as a rich man like he is....he won't want his daughter to ever be married to a janitor like me.
Come on, this whole fake identity may ruin my relationship with Ruth.
And I don't know how to prevent it. I really don't know how to make sure that I don't lose my Ruth in anyway.
Should I end this fake identity?...should I abort my mission now?....should I end it all now?....Because things may soon get really hot. If Anderson realizes that I'm a janitor.....I really don't know what would happen.
But the truth is that.....I just can't back down now....I've come this far not to back down now.
If I back down now, I'll lose my company but if I continue, I may lose my Ruth.
Now it's the matter of Love.
Do I love my company so much that I'm Willing to risk everything?
Or do I love my Ruth so much that I'm willing to lose my company and allow my dad's killer be free?
Surely, this is a terrible dilemma right now....because I love both sides and I want my company, I want Anderson in prison or sentence to death and I want Ruth.
But honestly if I put Anderson in prison or have him sentence to death then I'll automatically lose Ruth in the process because there is no way Ruth would want to be with me again since she may find out that I have always been against her dad.
So, it's quite obvious, I can't have both together....I've got to choose one.
Well, I've come this far.....I ain't gonna back down now.
I maybe risking my relationship with Ruth but that is a risk I've got to take to avenge my dad and take back my company.
So, I've chose my company over my Ruth.
As I was walking in the corridor that separates the janitorial manager's office from the Janitor's closets....well, there are many janitor's closets for different janitors.
So, I was walking abit slow because I thinking so much concerning my upcoming cleaning moments in Anderson's office.
You just can't blame me because I am kinda getting worried....I am really not ready to lose my Ruth.
I and Ruth have known each other since secondary school in Jss 1. We went to the same school....Hilcrest and the same university....Covenant University and we were situated in the same city for our youth service....Lagos. so, therefore, we have always been together. The major thing I can't stand to lose is my Ruth....That's the Truth.
So, as I'm still walking, Henrietta walks towards me....calling out my name....."Nathan, Nathan, Nathan".
Seriously, that girl isn't tired of disturbing me.
Do I really have to be putting up with her every single day?
Well, maybe I can. Besides, she's the only janitor that used to help me by guiding me to different places in this company.
Well, I won't lie?....She's kinda a nice companion to me.
But she's surely much of a complainer.....she complains too much for my liking.
Well, I won't be surprised if she's calling me In order to complain about something concerning me today.
So, she approaches me and asks "hey, good morning, Nathan. How are you doing today?".
I answered "well, I'm doing fine".
She asked "how was your night?".
I answered "my night was nice".
She asked "which office are you told to clean today".
I answered "the CEO's office".
Wait for it........
She asked "come on, why? Can't you start by cleaning the reception? Why on earth must you clean the CEO's office on your second day of work?....Why can't you be treated normally? And not specially".
Well, you don't have to say it.....she's jealous, isn't she?.
She continues saying "honestly, it's really not fair at all. What do you have that we don't have? Is it because you're wearing expensive clothes?".
I asked "wait, is this clothes expensive?....this suit that I'm wearing cost only twenty thousand naira".
She asked "wait, do you think twenty thousand naira is small money? Even my salary here is not up to twenty thousand naira. See, Nathan, you sound like someone that is rich".
Well, honestly, this suit is the lowest cost suit that I have. I have never bought a suit that cost less than twenty thousand naira before.
Well, maybe it's because I'm rich that I find it difficult to act poor.
Come on, even my dressing is making this girl suspicious of me.
I got to figure out how to deal with this matter before her suspicions escalate to something else.
Come on, why do girls find it too easy to observe things?
They are quick to observe.
Then she asked "Nathan, did you buy this suit with your money?".
Well, honestly I did bought the suit with my money but I can't tell her that except I want to blow my cover. So, I've got to tell her something else and make sure that she believes me.
I really need to try to act poor for once in my life.
I answered "well, I didn't buy the suit. Come on, how do you think I would do such a thing?.....Am I rich to be able to afford such a suit?....I ain't rich".
She asked "so, where did you get the suit? Wait, don't tell me you stole it?".
I asked "come on, how do you think I'll do such a thing? I ain't a thief".
She asked "then how did you get this suit?".
Come on, I got to think fast. This girl is really pressuring me concerning this matter. Come on, how can a dressing turn into an interrogation.
I have got to figure this out quick.
She said "come on, what are you waiting for? Answer my question already".
I asked "and why are you pressuring me concerning this matter?".
She asked "and why aren't you answering my question? As if it's hard to answer such a simple question. Except you're trying to lie to me. And you seem not to be able to come up with some fake story or explanation to tell me".
Oh no! this girl has finished me already. In fact, I'm speechless at this moment...but I still tried to act cool.
She finally said "well, you really don't have to lie to me....I already know the truth....That you borrowed the suit from someone".
I replied "hmmm...".
She asked "come on, aren't you guys used to borrowing clothes that you guys can't even afford just because you guys want to impress the girls?".
I answered "hmmm....".
She replied "see, you really don't have to admit it because I already know. So, since you are gonna clean the CEO's office today....well, I can take you there".
I said "thank you so much dear".
So, few minutes later, after I had removed my suit jacket and took all of my cleaning equipments that I'll need to clean, then Henrietta guided me to the CEO's office then she left me there.
Once she left, I saw Anderson's Secretary sitted at her office just outside Anderson's office. So, I quickly went and ask the young lady if Anderson was in his office and she told me that he has not yet arrived.
Well, you can say that I'm quite lucky at this moment.
But it also means that I've got to clean his office quickly before he arrives.
But this can also be an opportunity for me to search for some evidence against him perhaps in his computer.
So, I collected the key to his office and opened it.
Instead of me to start trying to clean his office quickly.....I went straight to his computer and I sat down on his office chair then I switch on his computer and waited for it to boot....as it was booting....I decided to start cleaning his office quickly.....then out of a sudden, I see the door opened wide and then I see Anderson standing and looking at me.
Anderson shockingly asked "wait a minute.....Nathan, what are you doing in my office? and why on earth are you cleaning like some janitor?".
I answered "hmmm....".
Anderson replied "i just can't believe this....my daughter chose a common janitor to be her boyfriend".
I said "hmmm, sir....please, you won't understand....times are hard".
Anderson replied "get out of my office immediately. I don't want to ever see you clean my office again. Tell Iniobong to get someone else to clean this office".
I said "sir, please....".
Anderson shouted "can't you hear english? I said Get out!!!".
As I humbly walked out of his office....achieving nothing and losing stuffs.....and Awakening his anger.....