

Abandoned selfies🤳

lt was a blue moon, long chatter with my besties under Orion on the balcony. lt was a synonym for" like attracts like" talking about all the idiotic things. we are hurling all the thoughts from birth time, sharing thrilling ideas about every topic!!
It was lovely hostel days and I have realised what I am, it peeled off all the inferiority complex I had.
lt was 3 years ago still those fools are my friends, I didn't get that much contribution from anyone. when I am down still they were helping me by asking me to see that movie, see this movie, read that book and all. they don't even ask me what happened, they can recognize that.
I want them till my end and I wish to get more such strange relationship but when they hear that they will get possessed.🤭
But society says that if you are in a family you should love your family and relatives, if you get into a classroom your bench mates will be your friends if you are in a college 🎓 also you will get many friends but my life teaches me to choose and give respect by talking deeply and finding inner happiness. sometimes it may not be your family, your relatives or your expected friends
It's strange and we cannot call it friendship or relationship. I don't know what to call it or how to explain it but I love to leave like that.
It keeps me laughing and happy under any circumstances and the great part is no chatting every day, entirely different character from me, no birthday wishing, absence of 'how are you's in the chat and no one is near me now. A single chat from them in a month is enough for me and hangouts with them would be an utter madness.

Eager to make any fascinating moment a photograph 🤪but when such eternities happen I will forget about my phone and camera😅. and that the result is I am plummeted out in memories but no proof!😒
My gallery is filled with my selfies which were not posted anywhere on social media due to a dearth of my friends, hardly missing those ignoramuses.🤒


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