

Does anybody know what is right and what is wrong?
If you chose to live your life as a criminal, who's to say that is wrong or right. in the criminals eyes they are providing a very profitable lifestyle for themselves and there families. in today's society, because they are conducting illegal activities they are considered bad, evil, just overall not good people. if I'm not mistaken in the bible it clearly stated it's God's place to pass judgement no one else but God.
Now let's talk about lawyers, politicians, actors and actresses, athletes and the government. All of these occupations are great, but extremely corrupt. It seems a lil funny to me the more you have of anything, the more you want.
For instance money can buy your freedom, wich is a complete joke to me. So in our society if your rich enough the law can't touch you, does that seem fair to you? If you have enough money you can afford the most corrupt attorneys. If you have money you can afford any illegal drug on the market at the lowest prices, and the government can raise the price so high you can't afford it, so now to survive your willing to do anything you can to save yourself, but remember in humans society it's wrong.
Athletes that are loved and idolized by our children commit crimes everyday( not saying all athletes are bad) actors and actresses commit infidelity everyday, but because there famous it gets swept under the red carpet. Overdoses, alcohol abuse, the evil corruption this world condones as excepitable is completely disgusting.
Who is to say what's right and what is wrong, the corrupt judge that was paid off by the rich athletes, the corrupt government so on and so forth.

Now let's talk about the guy or girl that wakes up everyday to go to a job that there not appreciated, underpaid, disrespected, and just treated like dirt under the bosses feet. They weren't born with a silver spoon in there mouth, mommy and daddy didn't buy there way out of trouble. Nothing was handed to or given to them. They busted there butts for what little they have. so now let's put this in perspective. Say you have a bad day at work and decide to go out and have a beer or 2. You know your completely fine to opperate a vehicle but the officer that is also having a bad day because he feels underpaid and under appreciated pulls you over for a back up light being out that you didn't realize you had. Now mr. policeman smells beer on your breath and makes you take a sobriety test. ( me personally can't pass them sober) so now instead of getting to go home and wake up to the job you hate to provide for yourself and your family it is in jeopardy, all because of one mistake, but if you where rich and could afford to pay off your fine then you would be ok.
No matter what you do in life you can never be right or wrong in this corrupt society we live in. Hate groups being idolized by government, athletes and actress and actors. People walking into schools, churches,and stores opening fire on innocent victims. what in God's name is going on today children raised with no discipline no morales no respect for themselves or anyone else.
Children services taking children from good parents loving parents ( down on there luck at the time) and giving them to people that just want extra money. ( not saying all foster families are bad) women having kids to multiple daddies diseases destroying life as we know it. The corrupt government trying to hide it all. I'm sorry but taking God and freedom of religion out of schools was horrible. one thing in life I have learned no matter what you do, who you become,or what you are in life it won't be good enough for society. To be completely honest I beleive God sent his 1 and only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for all of humanities sins. Now this was Gods intention the I entire time. God impregnated Mary to give birth to Baby Jesus so he could absolve all the corrupt worlds sins. Now ask yourself this question would you sacrifice your child for the world. All God asks in return is to love him beleive in him and teach others the love he want to share with everyone. Have a pure heart ask him for forgiveness and do your best to live your life without sin, but if you mess up his love is everlasting and you will be forgiven and excepted into heaven. preach the gospel to the lost souls of the world so we can reunite in complete harmony together. Hmmm now I'm not the most intelligent person on the planet, I feel I'm no better or worse then anyone because in God's eyes we where all created equally. we all bleed red skin color is the pigmentation of the skin. some people are liars, theives,cheaters,murderers ect,ect. ( not saying I condone any of this) who's place is it to judge, mine yours the judicial system the law. with all the corruption who's to say what's right or wrong. I believe life on Earth is a test to prove you can overcome any obstacles that gets in your way of happiness. only opinion sacred to me is God's. I believe everything else is corrupted to cater to rich famous people of power while the rest of humanity lives a lie for others entertainment. I honestly can't wait until all the corrupt people of this world
have to stand in front of God for his final judgement. Once this happens then we all get a chance to see who was honestly right or wrong.

written by
Steven Zeigler