

Last God amongst many part two
I woke up in the morning after a long night. I heard a lot of noises. I took a look out the windows. There were many people training with sword and some using power.

Berry opened the door and he said looks like you woke up very early. I responded do you mean I can go to sleep? he said pretty funny I came here to get you ready. he threw some clothes at me and tell me to get out once I'm done dressing. Even though I was captured by them but he makes me feel like I'm alive.


Master said to my cousin what kind of power you have.
I have no idea I just use to defend myself against others replied my cousin. oh I see then I'm going to send you back to Berry. he called a guard to take my cousin to the training ground.


Finally I've seen my cousin again after such a long night,,,I said what Happened I thought they were going to do something to you.my cousin said I'm happy to see you too.Berry said good that you are here I'm going to train both of you.

Berry gave me a stick and started showing me the basics of sword fighting, and he told my cousin to brick 20 walls with his power which was "ENERGY BEAM" even though my cousin use to fight bullies but those were not ordinary walls.i was doing so bad that Berry had lost interest in training me for the day and went to my cousin. I told Berry that I was going to my room and relax.he accepted and then I left and I took the practice book without him even knowing.

I started training by myself days after days until I reach a page that says forbidden but there was still some more pages left. I started reading it but nothing made sense to me because why would a book be forbidden and be exposed in a public training ground.

days and days had passed and one day while training I scratched the wall without even touching it in my thoughts I said them houses are old but I had no idea that it was my doing.

Read the first part to understand

to be continued..........