

Kira reimagined (Part 1)
☆~Yup. I'm HOPING to write more parts of this. Also, this is my first time writing an AU, so I apologize for any plot holes and inconsistencies. I've been pondering this idea for some time now and I just HAD to see where I could take it.~☆
AU description: Kira has a split personality. His first personality teams up with Josuke and the others to try and find out who in Morioh has been committing all these mysterious murders, however, his second personality is the one committing them…
He couldn’t exactly remember why, but he was following the boy. It felt as if he’d just woken up from a dream. Feeling dazed and confused, he decided to slow down, but out of curiosity, he kept his eyes after him. The boy made his way to the school and, to Kira’s surprise, was able to push himself through a small window, soon to be followed by two other, thinner and taller boys who shut the window behind themselves.

With care, Kira waited for the right moment to approach the window and peer into the room. There was the boy, along with two other, much taller boys...He felt like he recognized them...but he couldn't tell where from. Kira wondered to himself what the purpose of being in such a room was as he watched the boys discuss something he couldn’t hear through the glass. Pressing warm fingertips to the window, he began to feel nervous about being caught. How would he explain himself? Following a young boy like that and watching him while he’s unaware of it? He shuddered in disgust.

Kira was just about to leave the boys to their business when he noticed the small boy freeze, dropping his sandwich bag to the ground. Inside was not a sandwich, but a severed human hand. Before he could stop himself, Kira screamed, catching the attention of the two boys on the other side of the glass, who pointed at him. This was no good. These boys were Incredibly sketchy, and now it seemed they were after him! He ran. He ran like the reaper was chasing him, but somehow, the two taller boys were able to catch up. It was as if the building wall hadn’t even been there to stop them. It was no use running now. Kira dropped to his knees, holding his neck as he shrunk down to the ground.

“Please, don’t hurt me! I won’t say anything! I promise!” Kira squeaked out, managing a nervous chuckle as he turned his body to face the boys, fingers digging into the dirt. They looked on in confusion.

“Wait…Are you saying that wasn’t you?” The boy with the larger hair leaned in, reading his expression.

“I-I…Excuse me? I thought…you…” He began to stutter before he noticed something appear beside the boys. It was the same type of ability he had! They both had their own! There was definitely something going on here. He had to be here for a reason. Perhaps it was fate. He pointed a shaking finger at the things, “You…You have ones too! J-Just like mine!” he summoned his Killer Queen with caution. The boys nearly jumped back.

“You’re another stand user! But...I get the feeling you aren’t who we’re looking for!”

“Stand? Is that what they’re called?” Kira felt himself beginning to relax, but only slightly,“Can anyone explain what’s going on here? Why was there a severed hand in your friend's bag?! Just who are you looking for?” as Kira finished his sentence and drew back Killer Queen, the shorter boy caught up to them, gasping for breath.

“We’re trying to figure out the same thing! There’s been another stand user going around and killing people for years here! Nobody knows who it is, but since we’re stand users, we thought we’d have a better chance at finding ‘em!” The boy with a rough voice explained.

“What does being a…’stand user’ have to do with finding a murderer?” he challenged.

“I was told that stand users attract other stand users, so if our killer really is a stand user, it’s only a matter of time before we cross paths, especially with that whole, ‘severed hand’ thing that just happened. Damn bastard just dumped his garbage on us!” the boy in the pompadour clenched his fists.

“Maybe…I could be of assistance to you? It feels irresponsible of me to be letting some teens try and track down someone like this on their own. It feels as if I was supposed to meet you today.” Kira stood up and dusted himself off.

“You’re saying you’ll help us?!” The short boy blinked more than enough times to convey his surprise.

“Well, I…Yes…I see it like this; I have no choice since I’m so far in now, “ He sighed, “You can just call me…Mr. Kira, I suppose.”

“I’m Josuke,” the tallest spoke, “And this is Okuyasu and Shigechi…” he pointed at each of them. They waved.

“Well…I suppose we have a first clue now, do we not?” Kira asked, cracking his boney knuckles one by one.

“Uhhh…Oh! Shigechi! Use your Harvest to bring that bag back here!” Josuke ordered. Shigechi obeyed…reluctantly.

“Alright…Let’s take a look…” Kira gulped and slowly revealed the contents of the bag to himself. It was just about as horrible as he’d expected. He groaned and reached for the ring on the finger of the hand, twisting it off gently, “Ugh…p-perhaps this can help us…maybe If we knew more about the victims whereabouts before she died, it could help lead us to the killer. It would have had to be someone in the same area, right? Maybe this ring can help us start looking for her last location.”

“That’s genius, Mr Kira! You really thought of all that so fast?” Josuke’s femenine lashes fluttered.

“I’m flattered, really, but please, I’m just an ordinary man.” Kira flushed.”

“Wait…How is a ring gonna tell us where this random lady was before she died?” Okuyasu scratched the back of his neck.

“We’ll use it to first figure out who she was, then go from there,“ Kira retorted. There was a pause in the group.

“You know what? I think I’ve had enough for today. I’m going home. Bye!” Shigechi turned and started on his way.
“H-hey! Where are you going all of a sudden!? You’re not gonna help us?” Josuke called out after him, “Get back here!” Shigechi pretended not to hear him.
