

*PART 8*

("Broken Promises: )

Seza was staying at her neighbor's house. The whole day, she didn't receive a call or text from Avisel. She thought he might be busy making plans to meet her, as he also needed to convince his parents to allow him to go out of state. It had been a day since Seza's family left for the trip, and she saw their photos and videos constantly being uploaded on WhatsApp and Facebook. It seemed like they were having a great time, and she felt jealous for missing the opportunity, but Avisel was her top priority.
To distract herself, Seza called Arshana and shared everything with her. Arshana was happy to listen and advised Seza to take lots of photos with Avisel and send them to her. Seza agreed and discussed her plans, including going to the movie hall and visiting a horror mirror maze. Arshana was excited to hear about her plans.
Seza was eagerly anticipating the next day when she would finally see Avisel. She tried calling him, but his phone was unreachable. So, she decided to check her outfit for the day and made sure everything was ready. By 10 PM, she hadn't received any calls, and she grew worried. She kept trying to call Avisel until she eventually fell asleep.
The next morning, with excitement in her heart and a glow on her face from the sun's rays, Seza woke up. It was 7 AM, and she checked her phone, hoping to find a call or message from Avisel, but there were none. After breakfast, she got dressed and called Avisel persistently until he finally answered.
Seza: "Hello, Avi! Why did it take you so long to answer my calls? I've been trying since yesterday, and your phone was unreachable. Is everything okay? Are you all right?"
Without letting him speak, she continued talking. Avisel interrupted her.
Avisel: "Hold on, babe! Let me talk. You've been talking for five minutes straight. Listen to me for a moment. Actually, I went to my friend's place yesterday because he was throwing a birthday party. I couldn't call you, so I put my phone on flight mode, which is why it was unreachable."
Seza: "It's okay. So, tell me where you are now. I'm excited to see you. Please come soon."
Avisel (in a shocking voice): "Huh? What? What are you saying? Didn't I tell you that I was joking? I'm very busy this weekend because my friend is throwing a party. How can I come to meet you?"
After hearing this, Seza disconnected the call but still had hope that he might be lying and planning a surprise. However, after 15 minutes with no call from Avisel, she decided to call him herself. Avisel's response remained the same: "I'm not coming." Seza still believed he was lying and asked for an honest answer. Avisel grew irritated and rudely stated:
Avisel: "Seza! Can't you understand? I told you I'm not coming. Whether you believe it or not, I'm not coming. I was just joking when you told me about your trip. Grow up; you're not a kid anymore to react this way. Chill out, and next time, I will come."
Tears filled Seza's eyes, and she disconnected the call, tossing her phone aside (fortunately landing on the sofa). She felt broken and guilty for lying to her parents for someone else, regretting giving Avisel such high priority. She was helpless and couldn't even express her sadness to her best friend.
Throughout the day, Seza continued blaming herself. In the evening, Avisel called her, apologized for his mistakes, and promised not to repeat them. His apology melted Seza's heart, and she forgave him. They talked normally, and Seza was determined to protect their relationship, no matter the mess or mistakes Avisel made.
The next day, Seza hesitated to go to school, fearing facing her friends, especially Arshana, who was excited to see pictures of Avisel and Seza and hear about their date. Despite her reluctance, Seza went to class. Arshana eagerly hugged her and teased her for being late, but Seza remained silent, burying her head in her desk. Artrav and Parav joined in, and Artrav, thinking Seza was acting, bumped her head into the desk. Seza retaliated by hitting Artrav with a water bottle, demanding they not joke with her. After some time, she shared everything with her friends. Artrav suggested ending the relationship with Avisel, but Seza scolded him and didn't talk to him for a week.
Eleven months into their relationship, Avisel's behavior changed. He became disrespectful and rude, not taking the initiative to call Seza. When she called him, he made random excuses to disconnect the call, such as driving or playing volleyball. Their conversations decreased, and Seza was hurt by his behavior and neglect.
Seza shared her painful emotions with Artrav, Arshana, and Parav. Artrav tried to convince her to forget him, but Seza ignored his advice. One afternoon, Avisel made an effort to call Seza, and they talked for an hour. Seza thought their relationship was repairing, but then Avisel said:
Avisel: "Seza, you know, I need your help. My college junior approached me and wants to be in a relationship with me. Should I do it?"
Seza thought he was joking and replied, "You should stay with her." They both laughed and continued talking. However, a few days later, Seza learned that Avisel was indeed in a relationship with his junior. Seza was furious and called him. Avisel explained:
Avisel: "I asked you, and you said I should stay with that girl, so I did."
Seza was traumatized by his revelation and felt frustrated and betrayed. Despite her anger, she forgave him. Later, he asked her to buy him branded shoes, but Seza explained that she didn't have savings as she had to buy a gift for her friend's birthday. Avisel threatened to break up if she didn't get him the shoes, but it turned out to be a joke. He reassured her that he didn't need anything except her love. Seza knew his demand was genuine.
On her birthday, Avisel didn't wish her, claiming he was busy. Seza asked for his time and love as her gift, and he agreed. A week later, Seza planned to surprise Avisel by visiting him, but she received a text from him:
Avisel: "I hope you won't react too strongly to this, but I've mustered the courage to say that we should take a break. Your loyalty is overwhelming, and I can't handle it. I can't betray you; I feel ashamed for taking you for granted. Trust me, you're a good soul, and you deserve someone better. I can't stay loyal, and I can't even repay you. You should forget me and move on. Take care. Goodbye."
Seza tried calling him, butAfter seeing these texts, she tried to call Avisel, but he had already blocked her. The reason was so meaningless. Due to Seza's loyalty towards him, he was afraid that she might not get deeply involved with him, but she had already become deeply attached. She had given him all the happiness she could, but in the end, she was betrayed. She was completely broken, and she hadn't even expected such things from Avisel, whom she had considered a lifetime partner. She thought about all those fake words, promises, and lies, and started crying aloud until she felt some relief.
Seza was incredibly strong, and within a few days, she overcame the pain. Her friends helped her a lot in getting through it. It was challenging to forget Avisel, but she tried to erase all the memories and moved on.