

SMILE (taken from true inspiring stories)
I lost my mind with my job.In the morning I stood in the balcony with my mug of coffee.In front of my house ,down there was a small house.The lady living there had a 4year old son.Everyday her morning starts by cleaning and washing,her house and others .Her husband was never seen in the day light.At night he was drunk as a shunk.Beating his wife and fighting over for to get her hard earned money to be spend on some more bottles.But whenever I used to leave for office,she greets me with a smile.Yes she was tired of her husband but she was never tired of Life .Maybe she knew one day her hard work can turn her son into a gentleman
Oh!see there again comes those two sisters.In the age of studying they are barefoot on roads talking and laughing and picking up garbage.That man again knowingly threw the garbage infront of them,for them to clean it up.
I see them everyday but it was different today.Today I was disappointed with myself but I also got time to actually see the people suffering more than me.
“Life is cruel and unfair”I thought.
Finished with my coffee,had nothing to do I went for a walk.People were going for there work.Oh there, is that rikshaw puller,he lives at behind my office.Once his house caught fire and her wife died in that accident leaving behind their two kids.I saw him working very hard every day to earn and save every penny.Once his daughter got a very serious injury while playing in school and he needed a lot of money for her surgery ,but he was happy because he never needed to beg anyone,he managed with his own savings.
Today I was able to see this world differently.
Passing through my sister's house I saw her maid.I remembered the days I was very ill and living with my sister.At that time her maid and I used to talk secretly behind my sister's back.
She used to tell about her drunken father who never earned anything because of which she and her mother had to work.Sometimes he even used to beat her mother with things or sometimes even tried to kill her.
From the last night till the morning I was frustrated because I lost my job, but seeing people like these whom I actually meet everyday but I never felt anything like today Inam feeling. These people are struggling,hard working and might be praying for a better life.But these people are still happier than me even when they nothing I have.I found their secret of happiness today.They are happy because they are grateful.Many a times when things are good we forget to be grateful for what we have and when the bad time comes we complain.There are a lot of people who have more problems in life than us but they never complain or get too depressed.What they do is work hard and keep their hopes and wait for there for circumstances to get better, with a smile.
Even when we are not having a very good time always remember our so called ‘ bad time’ might be somebody's ‘better time’. So don't loose hope and be grateful for what you are left with.Maybe someday your life will again take a turn to give you something better than before.
© Beauty writes