

Hah! Where will I start from? Amara asked herself when she was sitting under the mango tree weeping. Her best friend named Tolu saw her when he was passing by. He went to her and asked her what happen?.Amara did not reply his question, she just continue sobbing. When Tolu saw that she's not ready to tell him what happen to her, then he pet her to stop crying and he force her to followed him to his house.
When they both get home, he gave her a chair to sit on outside and brought her soft drink to calm her down. After entertain her, he gave her some minutes to asked her the question again, Amara look straight in Tolu eyes and tears started coming out from her eyes.
"Tolu am in serious trouble, I have bite the hand that feed me". Her words convince him"i have bite the hand that feed me".he told her the of the word and why did she said it. "The meaning is that I have betrayed my parents "she replied. And then narrated her story how it goes.
"I love a guy name Ayobami,I met him when I was in school, he was handsome, caring, smart and rich. These are the reasons why I love him. I told my parents about him and show them his picture. I was angry when both of them disliked him and they told me not to marry him. I insisted that I must marry him even though they hate him. Because of that, I ignored my parents.
After few years I got pregnant for him. I was so excited that am already carrying his baby. When I told him, i was surprised that he became furious and get mad at me. After some days I realized that he has packed all his belongings and sneaked out. Then I make a choice that I'm going to abort the pregnancy even though it is a taboo. After I went to the hospital for the abortion, I saw some bad symptoms that are affecting me. I went back to the hospital to complain about it then their report is that the abortion has affected my womb and that means I can't get pregnant again. " Amara explained.
When Tayo has listen to her life story,he was short of word. She bite her finger and cried louder and said "Hah!, I wish I have listened to my parents. "
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