

There was a boy who’s skin was blue
That didn’t fit in with the kids at school
They were all red with matching eyes
His eyes blue matching the skies
The other kids would sometimes let him play
But usually ended up pushing him away
Poor little blue boy grew into his teens
Loved to play but wasn’t in a team
Then one day a girl came to class
Neither red or blue her skin colour
Her eyes yellow like the sun shine
Out shinning the red, making blue vibrant
Boy blue and girl yellow now a minority
Were drawn together magnetically
The years roiled by and they loved each other
Having kids of their own creating another colour
Their kids eyes green and skin to match
Which made the reds want to catch
New generations were born between reds and greens
Creating tones of browns and beige
Until skin colour was no longer an issue
All people so close in colour and hue
Although there were a few that still got upset
A stupid minority that couldn’t accept
A tone shift maybe slightly more blue
Was enough to make their heads go screw
Until present day where we are all so similar
The problem remains and it’s not even colour