

(Part two) The search
Mark and Jack follow the scream deeper and deeper in to the dark woods.Jack pauses, he sees the tracks of blood again.He says to Mark,we should follow the blood tracks.Mark looking at jack with fear in his eyes and says, you don't think this could be Jimmys blood do you.Jack looks at Mark and says I don't know,but let's follow them.As they followed the blood tracks it kept getting darker and darker in the forest,Mark and Jack were terribly scared.Then Jack pauses, he looks at Mark and says it's getting late now I should be getting home.Mark says, not until we find Jimmy. But can we like do this tomorrow.Come on Jack don't lose hope now.I know but my parents are probably worried about me.Jack if you were missing wouldn't you want people looking for you. Alright alright we can look for 30 more minutes but if we don't find Jimmy I'm heading home.Dont you care about Jimmy (says Mark).I do,but he can be a pain in the butt some times you know.Yeah your right but he is a very kind person(says Mark).Yeah right(says jack).Well any way we are wasting time now we better get searching now(says Mark).(30 minutes later)We are out in the middle of no where says Jack. Mark yells at jack I see something in the distance Jack.And Mark spotted and old broken down shed with a sigh on it that said beware.And Jack immediately turned around and said nope I'm not going in there.Oh come on Jack what if Jimmy is in there.Oh would you look at the time man I wish I could go in that creepy shed but it's my bed time now darn(said Jack).Its 7:00 Jack.Yeah but it's getting dark.Your just afraid to go into the shed Jack aren't you. No not at all.Then go explore it.Fine I am afraid ok so can I go home now.But Jimmy could be in there Jack.Well let's see Jimmy you there buddy,no ok now let's go Mark.No not with out Jimmy.Well I'm leaving see ya Mark bye bye.Wait Jack come back please pal.Jack,ahh I don't need him I'm brave enough to go inside of a really creepy shed but if Jimmy is in there I'm gonna get him.Mark thinks to himself what if this was another one of Jimmys pranks,man I would kill him.Mark walks closer and closer to the shed.Why the heck is there a beware sign.I mean like no one lives out.Mark knocks on the shed door and says Jimmy if you in here I'm and actually going to kill you.Yeah your little scream not funny dude.Mark opens the door and sees something shocking.There was a row a kids head choped off from there bodies.Mark throw up all over the floor.It was so disgusting,the heads were all bloody and the smelt really bad.Marks said who could of done this to these poor kids.Then Mark looks down at the row of kids heads trying not to throw up again.He decided to look at ever kid just to see if he knows any of them.Then he spots Jimmys head at the end of the row covered in blood.