

When I say hello can anyone hear me.Throughout the vibrating echoes circling near me. Vibrations seems to be tickling the tender blades of grass. Something or someone's asking how long will it take before the electrical storm will past. Words seems to be bending into the tiny cracks of infinity. Formless sentences are rushing to hide intentionally. Admiration is getting stronger it's building strength as it goes patiently along.Trying to discourage our meeting space when words vanish as time goes on. Admiring everything about her deep blue eyes. Adoring each and everything about her sensational smile. Irresistible are the lines that surround her beautiful silhouette. Time is a fleeting commodity not seem by the weak intellect. Who disguise themselves in a moment of weakness. Perhaps someone will speak to them. Complete the trask then reach out to them. Form a righteous bond stronger than polished steel. Ignite the mind and the physical body will yield. To the pleasurable streams of motion coming as a tidal wave. Only the unprepared wont be saved. Desperate.
© Daniel Mason