

Invisible boy
I woke up with a pounding headache and a sense of disorientation. I tried to sit up, but my body wouldn't budge. Panic rose in my chest as I realized I couldn't see anything. It was as if I was blindfolded.

"Hello?" I called out, but my voice sounded muffled, like I was speaking through a thick blanket. No one answered. I tried to move again, but my body remained still.

My heart was racing now as I tried to take stock of my surroundings. I couldn't remember how I got here or what had happened to me. I was acutely aware of my invisibility, as if it was a tangible thing that I could feel around me.

As I lay there, trying to piece together what had happened, I realized that I could still hear everything around me. I heard the rustling of leaves and the sound of footsteps in the distance. But no one seemed to be able to see me.

It was a strange feeling, being invisible. I felt like a ghost, disconnected from the world around me. I wondered if this was some sort of hallucination or if I had somehow stumbled into another realm altogether.

As I lay there, trying to make sense of my situation, I realized that I needed to find a way out of this invisibility. I didn't know how, but I was determined to find a solution. For now, I would have to navigate this strange new world as an invisible entity, hoping to find some answers along the way.

As I sat on the wall of the park, I noticed a detective getting out of a local taxi. He appeared to be in his mid-30s with black hair and was wearing a brown overcoat. He had a newspaper in his hand, which he quickly folded and tucked under his arm as he made his way towards the police car waiting for him.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity about this detective, James. As an invisible entity in this world, I had an unobstructed view of everything that was happening around me. I decided to follow James and see where his investigation would lead.

As I trailed him, I noticed that the police officer on the scene called him in to investigate the case of a person who had gone missing two days.

As I watched from my invisible vantage point, Detective James approached the gate of the missing person's home. The gate was rusty and the paint on the walls was faded. James pushed open the gate, and the sound of it creaking echoed through the air.

I followed James as he made his way towards the front door. The overgrown weeds reached up to his knees, indicating that this property had been neglected for some time. There were also dark tracks on the ground, suggesting that a car had recently been parked in front of the house.

As James reached the front door, he noticed that it had been broken down by the police. He cautiously stepped inside, and was immediately hit with a pungent chemical smell that filled the air.

James had no idea that I was there with him, observing his every move as he searched the house for clues.

The missing person's house was in complete disarray, with clothes, dishes, and half-eaten food scattered everywhere. It was clear that the person who lived here was wealthy, as evidenced by the expensive electronics and designer clothing I saw lying around.

As James searched the house for clues, I noticed strange symbols and graffiti marked on the walls, which piqued my curiosity even further.

Suddenly, I heard a sound from the basement. James cautiously made his way down the creaky stairs, and I followed him, eager to see what he would find.

To my surprise, we stumbled upon a room that had been converted into a makeshift lab. There were beakers and flasks scattered everywhere, along with bags of white powder and digital scales. It was clear that the missing person had been involved in something illegal, and had likely crossed paths with the local gang.

Despite the mess and chaos of the house, James worked tirelessly to piece together a picture of the missing person's life. He discovered that the person was a recluse who spent most of his time holed up in the house, likely dealing drugs online.

We make our way out of the house as James taking some notes in his pocket notebook . Officer asked James with curiocity " Any leads detective ?" James replied " Its may be a local gangs work". James get into the taxi. I saw a person across the way watching every move of James, may he is there since fromthe morning.

As I follow the person I noticed he has curly hair wearing a black jacket, smoking a cigarette, he lead me to an old building at the end of a desolate street. The building is made of strong concrete and is painted a sickly green color that has turned dark and black over the years due to neglect.

The road leading up to the building is broken and jagged from an earthquake that occurred years ago. As I approach the building, I notice that there is no gate, he quickly went inside and disappered, and from the back, there is a set of stairs leading down to the basement.

The stairs lead to a square tunnel that is dark, except for the occasional blinking of fluorescent lights. The tunnel is damp, and there are splashes of water on the ground, likely due to leaking pipes. As I make my way down the tunnel, I hear the echo of his footsteps going far away.

When I reach the end of the tunnel, I find myself in a large basement. The space is dimly lit by flickering fluorescent lights, and there are a few people partying in the corner. The place is filled with wooden tables covered with no cloth. There are broken pieces of red glass on the floor. The people are so drunk having a heated argument among themself. I wondered how on earth people choose this place for a party. The atmosphere is tense, and I feel like I am intruding on something I shouldn't be a part of. I was about to leave, I came here in the sense of finding any lead to that missing case. what I got is a bunch of drunkers living in their fluid created world.

But then I heard a unmistakable sound of breaking glass.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I look back and cautiously made my way to the source of the noise. I saw a fat man wearing a T-shirt standing over another man with tattoos on his arms and face. The fat man had a wine bottle in his hand, and he had just smashed it over the other man's head, sending pieces of glass flying across the room.

Suddenly I felt the fear in my nerves travelling across the body. I shouted loudly as I can but no one gave me a look. A moment of silence spread across the room. Every one in the room staring at the guy on the floor with red painted head. Thats I remembered that I am an invisible entity here. And still dumb enough to find the difference between the red glass pieces and the blood painted glass. The rush of the adrenaline in my blood comes to a halt. I am back into my senses. They are not only living in their fluid created world but killing too. I saw the injured man striving to getup. The drops of blood taking a free raid of gravity from this head to the plateau of his eye lids. He sniffed hard enough to blow the scattered pack of cards on the ground to the corner.

The injured man was now lying on the floor, his head bleeding profusely. The fat man shouted something and then tried to lift the injured man up, but suddenly the injured man pulled out a broken piece of glass from the ground and stabbed the fat man in the throat.The fat man fell to the ground, blood spitting from his neck like a volcano. The injured man lay there on the floor, his face contorted in pain, the blood from his head mixing with the blood from the fat man's throat.

The tatoo man get on his feet and shouting "Get up fatty! How was the surprise kiss form the glass eh? " the tattoo guy looking at the glass pieces with an evil smile laughing and said " Your kiss cost a life babe".

The fat guy becomes still after a long struggle. The tattoed guy sitting on the table with his leg on the chair swinging it. Having a beer showing at the same time.

The wooden floor is started crying with a sound of foot steps. Someone is approching from the Stairs a guy in a black suit, no five! Four bouncers and the Guy in the middle seems like he is the boss of this local gang. He crossed that fat guys body without even a stare, not even a flinch! as if it is so common in this place. I was there at the corner of the room he stopped on the way and gave me a death stare. My soul left my body although I dont have the body. He is standing facing me I can feel my legs begin to run the moment he said a word.

He said " Puedo verte "

© davence_hackwell

I loved writing it! let me know in the comments how you felt! if you made it to the end.

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