

Detective Jameson arrived at the scene of the crime, a luxurious mansion on the outskirts of town.
The victim, a wealthy businessman, had been found dead in his locked study with no signs of forced entry.

As Jameson examined the room, he noticed something odd. "There's no sign of a struggle,"
he said to the police officer standing next to him.

"It's almost as if the victim knew his killer."Just then, the victim's wife,
Mrs. Johnson, entered the room. "Detective, I'm so glad you're here,"
she said, tears streaming down her face.

"I can't believe my husband is gone.
"Jameson looked at her closely. "Mrs. Johnson, can you tell me where you were when your husband was killed?"

"I was in the living room, watching TV," she replied.
"I didn't hear anything until the police arrived.
"Jameson nodded. "And did you see or hear anything suspicious earlier in the day?

"Mrs. Johnson shook her head.
"No, nothing out of the ordinary."As Jameson continued to investigate, he discovered a hidden passage behind a bookshelf in the study.

"This could be how the killer got in," he said to his partner,
Detective Ramirez.
They followed the passage to a secret room, where they found a bloody knife and a note that read,
"You should have stayed out of this."

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