

Final Fight For Love
I would like to share something with you if you have time for me.... I'm here to tell you that what I'm about to write is the all time scariest story I'll ever tell. When I was a little girl my daddy would take me down on the bayou and we would fish and talk. He said that was the only way he could get to the truth with me. As we sat there fishing line in the water I asked my daddy if demons really truly exist. This was his reply. My baby girl, I was hoping you would wait longer before asking these questions but you have asked and I have no choice but to be honest with you. Yes. demons do exist for you see I am one of the demons that longed for real life as I called it. When I started longing for it I never had a clue about the truth. I never did until you were born. I was gonna be moved and taken away from you, and I couldn't imagine life without you my love was and still is stronger than ordinary folks. Because this was the one and only time I would be allowed to feel love. There was no way I was leaving you. So I went into the rooms soaked with blood and body parts of the people who thought they would take you from me. By the time my rampage was over I had murdered and dismembered over 15 people. I am still willing to finish the job. I want allow nobody to take or hurt her that's final. so my curse is if you go into the darkness,, you never ever forget to protect that that you have formed your life around. You have to illiminate the problem. My precious daughter stood and literally changed in front of me, she too was a demon and from one swoop of her hand had pulled out papers for me to read. The papers said the final finale would be what no one would ever have guessed in a million demon years. Either I had to murder my daughter and eat her heart or she had to murder me and eat my heart. Never would I raise a hand to harm her not she to me. We had to do some fast thinking and getting out. With the two of us out we could hide and leave you to a small part of the earth. What am I saying, I'm saying that you can come back baby and never run again. The final fight has ended.
© Matilda Hodges.