

my first love is a serial killer part 11
It's been 10 days since I've been in the hospital. The doctors said I just need one more check up and then I can go back to my life. Ever since that day big brother never came back. While I was in the hospital Matt was staying in jail like they didn't trust him to be alone in the house. The jury told me once I'm out of the hospital the experient would continue. School will end in 1 more month so I've been studying hard. I've missed to many days if school and I need to catch up. Ever since I thought about going back to the house the jury gave us I've been stressed. The pills that big brothers gave me are working better then I thought but I wonder when can I stop taking them. Big brother didn't give me much detail. I just hope everything works out in the end. Matt came in my room and gave me some clothes. I was leaving the hospital tomorrow in the afternoon. I'll be starting school again next Monday. I will have everything organized in 3 days. Everything will go back to normal. "Don't feel stressed." Matt said rubbing my hair. I looked him straight in the eyes and laughed. "Of course there's not much to be stressed about anyways." I lied. Matt left my hospital room and one of the officer took him back to jail. The next day passed and my exam was over. The doctors thought I was healthy again and told me I could leave. An officer took us to the house the jury bought us. It was dustier then I thought but it would only take me 2 hours to clean. Matt and I started cleaning right away. When we finished we where to tiered to do anything else. We just watched movies on netflix together. Matt was laying down in my head and I was playing with his hiar. We feel asleep together while watching movies. Everything felt so perfect. I felt too happy. It felt wrong that I was happy.

© the unknown