Beware of False prophets
When we are listening to prophets sometimes we dont pay attention to the prophet to know whether or not that everything that the prophet says that it lines up with what God says.Matthew 7:15 tells us beware of these false prophets that comes to you in sheep clothing but underneath is a ravenous wolf who preys on the innocent who have no clue.we may not know them by the words they speak but we know them by the fruits they carry and the fruits they carry are not the fruits of good they are fruits of bad.They are out to steal and kill the harvest of the lord god.Mark 13:22 tell us if someone claims he is the messiah dont believe him for the lord god didnt anointed him or sent him.False prophets are seen in this world they are people who only want to kill the harvest of the church.They dont seek to help the church people they seek to benefit from their church and the name that comes with it.True prophets are anointed by god they do in accordance to the word of the lord god they dont seek they own will they seek god will and god will alone.They dont want stray way from god presence they desire to bring the word they do in the moment of giving they life to god and doing god will.God loves us he doesnt want us to be lead the wrong way want us to follow his path.stay in his presence seek his help when we are lost and when we are broken.He just want your yes and your yes goes beyond allowing him access to you it goes into turn away from the evil and hating the thing of this world.God loves us he take care of us by making sure we know his words and his very wisdom that speaks comfort into sorrows and weary times and the wisdom speaks in our spirits when we are down he lift our very spirits up to know that all is well in it just give it to him.when there is no where to turn to turn him he gives you answer when you fall he lifts you up to help you through this battle you face.
© jertonya22
© jertonya22