

narrow chapter 5
Victoria stayed awake all night thinking of Cole, his smile, aura the way he spoke his laughter aroused a sensation in her she couldn't understand.

she flipped the pages of a colour book she was holding although she wasn't paying attention to it. She thought of how rude she had been the first day they met .she felt like giving her self a tight slap.

Just then. Her phone rang she looked for it around as papers of unfinished poems littered the floor she picked up the phone. Looked at who was calling a broad smile appeared on her face she placed the phone on her chest she wanted to say a lot she quickly picked up.

"Hey" he said

Silence .

"Just wanted to check on you"
Her heart beat was so loud she felt he could hear it. This made her nervous she struggled to speak. she wanted to speak but words weren't coming out.

"Hey are you there?"he said

"Y.. Yeah, how.. Did you get my number?"she said

" i have my ways .What's wrong?, don't wanna talk?" He said in a concerned tone.

"No nothing like that , how are you?" She said hoping she hadn't made a mistake. Thoughts went wild in her head. 'Of course he was fine why ask such a stupid question she thought.

"Great!" He said "what about you?"

"Fine." She replied

"Fine? Just fine? That's awkward , though it nice, hope nothings wrong".

"Nah nothing important" her smile fading away Victoria said laying down on her bed relaxed.

"If its about you ,its top concern, tell me seriously" he said his voice as concerned as ever.

Its about school....," she said pausing as she heard foot steps "someone's coming"she whispered "call you later" then she cut off the call.

"Victoria!" a voice called out she recognized that voice it was......her face suddenly lightened up.

"Dad?" She said as she jumped off her bed and ran to the figure that was coming towards her room.

"careful" her dad said giving her a bear hug and fondly patting her hair "how is my princess?" He said looking at her with a smile.

"As rebellious as ever" Victoria's mom replied in a stern tone. She didn't like having him around for all she cared he could get lost or killed she didn't mind.

"I'm not rebellious " Victoria said in her defence.

"You are!" Her mother replied.

"I'm not!" She said as she threw a glass on the floor it made a loud sound and she barged into her room.

"See?, what a rebellious girl, I keep thinking when will you take her with you? Huh?." Her mother said.

her voice was cold Victoria peeped through her room door which was slightly open and had a direct angle to the kitchen.

A tear fell down her cheeks when she heard what her mother said she didn't want her, her own mother didn't want her.

And there was the blade sitting on the table staring at her, she could still hear her parents yelling,they never got along probably after she was born.

Another tear fell down her cheek as she thought of what it would be like if she wasn't born,if she ceased to exist then came another tear and another and another in no timeshe was crying profusely. she felt like every one hated her except for her Dad who was probably just enduring her presence.

It hurt.

It hurt knowing she wasn't loved, knowing she was hated. just then her phone beeped it was a message, a message from Cole

"How are you?I'm worried,hope you are fine.been trying to call you though. Hope nothings wrong

If only he knew.

how wrong things had been.

"Poor guy!" She sighed

Victoria scrolled through her messages they were many some from Cole and some from kira her child hood friend then something caught her attention it was a message from an unknown number.

"See you at school that's if you get there alive"Victoria swallowed hard in all this she had forgotten there was school tomorrow there was no escaping it.

She laid on her bed fed up she wanted to disappear to disappear for ever. In school she was insulted at home her mother only expressed how fed up she was about her and her dad he was just there miles away from her when she needed him the most.