

What is the definition of a modern day professional
What is the definition of a ‘ Modern Day Professional’ and his stress scenario

In this modern age of globalization, industrialisation, corporatisation, computerisation, digitalisation and universal merchandisation. The word professional which was an Adjective before globalization has become a NOUN. Let us have a clear cut physio-pycho-socio economic description of a ‘PROFESSIONAL’.
A professional is a new-bourgeois, netizen (an internet-savvy-citizen)’ megacity-settler, society-flat-fancier, club-culture-craver, restaurant-reveller, pizza-passion-pursuer ,Mcdburger-berserk, party-partaker, sedan-suv-car-coveter, social-media-maniac, face book-frenzied, instagram-infected, twitter-tormented, blog-booster, laptop-lover mobile-musketeer atm-debit-credit-card-curator, t-shirt-jeans-junkie, collar-tie-tagged, dame-date-desirer, multi-girlfriend-masquerader and survivor,
Official, social and personal analysis of a professional

So,Having gone through the description of a professional, we all need to know his official and family fronts, his job chart is very lengthy, tedious, cumbersome, awesome and gruesome. He is a boss-fire-receiver, boss-subservient, staff-affable and people-friendly. He is a time-target-pursuer, upright- spine-sitter, promotion-seeker, prosperity-aspires, facing perennial-professional-competitors and perpetual contenders. The increase in vertical progress and promotion equally increases his horizontal burdens manifolds. On his family front, he is a money-maker, bread-earner, facility-provider and socialiser. Now, It is in this panoramic scenario, that we all will discuss the topic

Why professionals need to do meditation :

Though this article/ chapter is addressed and dedicated to all the professionals in general but, to the software ,BPO and IT professional in particular, whose eyes are always fixed on the computer monitor every moment. These professionals have a typical posturing of sitting and watching the screen with a particular state of mind, and both never change. And this is further worsened by stress because of their nature of work, target achievements, night shifts and over work load.

Stress scenario of a modern day professional

The mind mapping of professionals have proved that in comparison with normal minds, their minds are facing situations which are far more brainstorming, breathtaking, hair-raising, heart- stopping, mind-bending, mind-blowing, mind-boggling and rip-roaring. A professional mind passes through double the no. of thoughts in comparison with a normal mind per hour, such a massive traffic of thought being thrust upon him. Now, I submit here, a latest medical survey which proves that professionals are prone to develop a lot of health problems due to continuous physical and mental stress of their work. Diseases are either induced, sustained or exacerbated by stress. The common health problem due to stress are acid peptic disease, alcoholism, asthma, diabetes, fatigue, tension headache, hypertension, insomnia, Globalization and privatization have brought new work relationships, job insecurity, insecurity regarding future working conditions and rapid obsolescence of skills are causes of stress.
Mind mapping and brain waves
I will deal with the meditational and spiritual part in a very simple but in a scientific way without citing any high sounding Puranic Sanskrit Shalokas to make the topic complex. It is relevant to understand the types of Brain Waves , through which ,our mind passes. These are Alpha Waves, Beta Waves, Theta Waves, Gamma Waves and Delta Waves. Brainwaves are the electrical movements in the brain. The frequency of these brainwaves can be measured from highest to lowest frequency.

Beta is the state of thoughtfulness and activities.
In beta, an individual thinks and listens, can solve analytical problems, make decisions, and intake and process information. This is the normal and routine state of mind of professionals ,which is never changing ,it persists as hang over even after office hours and even during sleep. During beta our minds are utmost alert.
Alpha is a state of mind full of peace and relaxation.
In the alpha state, an individual is fully aware of his/her surroundings, but in a much more relaxed state of mind than beta. Meditation is often practiced in the alpha state. I will discuss about the rest of three waves in the next chapter. This is the psychological, economic, social, personal and official analysis of a modern day professional.