

how can someone create happiness? we always hear motivational speakers who talk about this subject but they are not even happy, just like someone who gives you advice to not smoke, nevertheless he smokes.
happiness is a hard thing to create, you can't be happy just like that while you have so many problems in your life and then someone comes to say: take it easy, just be happy.
we can create satisfaction, gratefulness, enjoyment...etc, but we can't create happiness, because a person can't always be happy, he is a human being which means he has different emotions and feelings, his mood can change day by day, that's human nature. otherwise, you don't have to pretend that you are always happy, and you don't have to try hard to show it to people.
briefly, work more on yourself and make yourself proud, never show people that you are happy because you are not always the same, just be you and be grateful for that.