

Back from Camp
Walemond arrived at a local community after years of Thai boxing training for his vacation before thinking of what to do next. On his arrival he saw two local champion who seems interesting to him so he thought of relating with them.
Walemond: Hello guys I am Walemond
Looky: Call me looky and this is my pal Koko
Walemond: (smiled) I am here for vacation I just finished from kickboxing school and I decided to spend some times outside before going to my family.
Looky: why did you choose this local community?
Walemond: I don't know, but this place looks cool for me with the bushes around, so natural. This community looks local but a bit civilized.
Koko: Looky is my boss also a professional wrestler he is also good at boxing.
Looky: Stop saying that I have never gone beyond local competition.
Koko: since Walemond is not a local fighter why don't you fight him and see if you can match professional fighters?
Looky: Didn't you see he is just coming from a journey he still need to find a place to stay and rest.
Walemond: I am filled with strength resting is not the issue but you guys seems to have forgotten that I said I am a Kick boxer and not a wrestler.
Looky: you are a kick boxer, if I am not mistaken you use leg and hand to attack. I am a boxer also a wrestler. We both have two combination.
Walemond: Thai boxing if far beyond that. I am already enjoying this place.

To be continue...

© Walemond Notion