

A different turn ( PART 5)

How did he get my number...!??!?
( or she... I'm still figuring it out)
What is close but not close supposed to mean?
Who is close but not close¿?

I opened my contact list and saw all the names of people whome I knew....
I cross checked every contact that I had known for very long but then lost touch.....and I came across


Obviously!!! Kev and I were very close , but after the whole....thing , i...we...we sorta lost contact and I tried blocking him in every possible way but then I saved is number anyways....!

Now I thought for a second

Do I really want to save him...? I mean he did break my heart... Or more accurately shred it into pieces..... and yes I did say that I've forgotten it....don't I want revenge????

Oh god ,what's wrong with me!!! CALL HIM DAMNIT!!!

I dialed the number

It rang....



" PICK UP" I screamed


" Hey! Hii! This is Kevin!"

" Umm...hi!! It's me.... Janiena!"

" oH my goodness!!!! I'm so glad you called !!!! I missed yo-"He sounded like he was extremely annoyed with someone calling him at such an inconvenient time , yet he wanted to be nice and kind.

" Ohk shut the heck up!!!!" I was not prepared for this , " I've not called you to chit chat , I have something important to tell you! Your life is in danger! If you give a fuck about your life , then lock yourself up and don't get out of the house...not that I care , 'm just informing you"

I tried to act cool but I think he got that I'm tensed and I DO care if he dies.

"WHAT?!!! Janiena , is everything all right????"
his raspy voice made me miss him!

" Just do as I say you pathetic bastard!!!!!! CLOSE YOURSELF INSIDE!!!!!"

Argh....he's driving me crazy! I wanna kill him!!!But then I smiled to myself thinking , someone else is gonna do dat anyways. Ohk seriously!!! what I wrong with me!!!!

" Please!! Kev, just do as I say"

"Ohk but wh-"I cut the phone....!!! It was hard for me to talk to him after what happened between us. He......well , he was gay and I don't blame him. I also get it that he was ashamed to tell me! But I've been broken! It's been over a year and I still can't trust any guy to not break my heart!


Gosh that was a loud scream....it came from Nora's room!!


Ohk something is definitely wrong!!!! That sounded like Joan.
I ran across the corridor till I reached Nora's room. I entered to see Joan screaming on the top her voice and...

OH GOD!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Nora was dead.

© HennaG