


There were two sisters named Jessica and Joel living in the big city with their parents, Joel was the good girl and parents were proud of her because she was doing well even in school.
One day Joel and Jessica were on their way from school and Joel bumped to a handsome young man, Jessica was so angry and jealous of what was happening because the guy seemed to be cute and humble. He was not a bad guy at all so Jess quickly left her sister behind to go to home and lie to parents as always.
When Joel arrived, her father was so furious and punished her without asking anything to her. Her sister was so happy.
Jessica and Joel pass their matric but Joel was offered a bursary and her sister did not want Joel to be far from her so she decided to attend the nearby university, Joel met a guy who was the Minister's son and they were so in love in such a way that she had been offered all the best things by her boyfriend, his name was Romeo.
One day Joel invited Romeo over for a dinner, the family were always proud of Joel so he arrived and things became weird, the jealous sister was lying about her sister, asking embarrassing questions and was fooling around, RoMeo just left the house very sad and furious.
On the next day Romeo was still angry but Joel explained everything. Jessica was always jealous when she was seeing her sister with her boyfriend because everything on her side was not good at all.
"ALL the good things happens to the good hearted people. Jealous is the worst and destroying disease that can only be cured by its owner".
© EsethuMnge