


No chance.
One guy, can't take on the world.
that's what they said
I did.
Till now.

You broke my lighter, your a dick lol.

Mickey is driving round London
Hairy is at home eating ice.
Wah wah wah.
I was so deep undercover, the radio were
communicating with me.
This was the first time.
It made me laugh
It made the hitman next to me laugh
Even though he could of killed me, he didn't.
I was connected, friends with everyone.

I got beaten up,
Robbed for just £10.
That was my teenage years.
But if you are friends with everyone you can secure control.
Give away.
Loose 100k.

I didn't want to be a criminal, but I was one. .

Once I just gave the police a kilo.

After being arrested and changing my life, the call came.

They still call me 15 years on. Lol

Catch up ?

We worked together when I was arrested.

Yes ok.

Still young, naive.

We meet.

Here it is


Half kilo this, half kilo that.


I left it where he had taken me to, stashed in the woods.© All Rights Reserved