

The story of cake and knife

My body accepts every forms of styles and shapes,
Colours that matches and the style it holds,
I can be anything that you want me to,
when i am inside the cute cool home,
Human adores my beauty and wants me to manifest it,
I am the one who probably brings smiles on everyone,
I am the one to complete the bliss,
I am the one to adjust every colours and designs,
I am the one to glimpse every smiles and laughs.

One day,
I was dressed well , sitting comely presenting myself
I didn't know my beauty was for short term
I was just giving my best to manifest my beauty
Surrounding beautiful lighted candles all over me
which was making me even more beautiful

After a while, i could feel some brizzy vibes
I wasn't knowing what's happening
And that short blow was the turning point,
It was as dark as the nightmare
I was so confused over a period of time
I was like a dead horse

Soon after it ,something was hurting me
I could feel lots of pain
My body started bleeding a lash of hot chocolates
Everyone was screaming and enjoying my death
All my beauty was shattered into pieces
By then i realised humans were not over the moon with me ,rather to eat my body
I felt so pity on myself
It was knife who destroyed my beauty
And it was so sad to know,
For humans knife was strength!
My pieces were circulating all over
Everyone was so happy to eat me
And i sacrificed my life for their happiness!!!
My story ended there,
But the journey of knife started there!!!


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