

Sun in horizon
The sun was setting in the horizon. I watched it and wondered should I walk towards it or wait back,
it took me a while a decide, but then i started walking towards it, and this is the scene when we feel as if the edge of the earth is closed to the sky.
I had no intension of leaving that scene. I wanted to capture that beautiful scene forever. I was very frustrated with my life, i had faced so many failures in my life,but that scene made me think a lot,that nothing in life ever stays the same, things change, yes conditions change. Sun set every day but rises again next day with a new glow, so why should i give up hope in my life and, with that a ray of hope was born inside me.
That scene seemed to me as if the earth was trying to touch the heights of sky.
Then i went back but now this time i had a smile on my face.
