

chapter 5

Once we were inside he let go of me and went away, i was surprised he didn't do anything but still it was hard for me to digest that as he always do whatever he says. I went in my room, i had to call this dirty square my room afterall i stay in here. Ben always f*cked me and goes away, he never slept besides me which I'm grateful for. I took a long hot shower, it was very helpful in easing my back pain. After putting my pajamas I thought of calling the girls and when i came out from the shower, there he was...waiting for me.

Ben walked towards me, each steps he took made my body trembled in fear. He caressed my shoulders, neck then he went behind me and grabbed my hair pulling it back so i could see him. He had that maniac smiled on his face and asked me, "Have you ever watched that movie 50 Shades of grey?"

I had no time to watched movies, all i knew was working, earning money, cleaning, cooking but i did watched its trailer. Why was he asking me that?

I simply said "No."

"Hmmm I knew it! Anyway don't worry I'm here to make you learn new things!" He released his grip from my hair.

'what did he mean by that?'

"Don't think too much, you're not that intelligent!" He said and blindfolded me with a black piece of cloth and i panicked.

"Wh..where are you taking me?" i shuttered

"Just walk!" He pushed my back and guided me.

We stopped, i heard him opening a door then he pushed me inside.

'This scent!' I knew this scent, we were in that room again where i was ra...ped! I started to sweat heavily, my breath fastened, all that scenes started to play again in my mind.

"Oh! It seems you have recalled some sweets memories." He dared to say that.

He unfolded the cloth from my eyes, i was shocked when i looked around me. There were lighting candles everywhere, mirrors in all corners an....and a bed in the middle.

'What was this rapist up to now???'

"Don't look at me like that darling, i didn't light these candles to be romantic, it's for seeing your screaming face when i... hmm you'll know, so let's get started!"

The trailer clicked in my mind, my eyes widened with fear, 'he can't be thinking of doing that, could he?'

"wha..what are yo..you going to...do?"

"Oh Maeva darling we came here for picnic," he said softly then he raised his voice making me flinched,

"You idiot! Can't you see I'm going to f*uck your cunt!" I didn't have time to react as he picked me up and threw me roughly on the bed.

I screamed and he laughed evilly, "hahahaha! It's too soon to scream like that darling, keep your energy for later."

He blocked me in between his thighs, he tied my hands with a rope to the headboard of the bed then he moved away from me to tie my ankles each with a rope to the iron footboard.

I tried to break free by using all my force, i looked like a mad person, shouting, bouncing my back on the bed, trying to pull my hands, legs but in vain, i ended up hurting myself even more. My hands and ankles started to bleed, i cried, yelled for help, begged him but all he did was sit down and watching me. I was already tired, i bit my lips, i sobbed then i screamed in frustration,

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" 'Dad, Michael, Anna, God, Ben Afroz I hate all of you.'

'I will never forgive you all, one day i will make all of you pay especially you Ben Afroz i vow to destroy you and You so called god when i will come to you i will deal with you!' After saying these in my mind i went numb inside and outside.

"Are you done with your drama, let's have some fun now!" He climbed up on me again, he ripped my pajamas, bra and underwear. Seeing me not reacting he frowned, "i told you to keep your energy but no.... you wanted to do drama! Now see you're already tired, it won't be fun for me! I give you 30 minutes to recover okay." he said and left.

After 30 minutes he came back tipsy, his eyes were red, he kept itching his nose.

"ohhh darling! This shit is heaven, it's the first time i took it. You know it came from there, damn! it holds as much power as the country name." He was talking about drugs but still he was clever by not taking the name of the country, he was good at keeping business with the rules!

"I would have taken more but even you're heaven and 30 minutes is over." He undressed himself while talking. He placed his revolver on the chair where i was tied up the first time.

"Hmm... from where should i start?" he asked himself. His finger touched my forehead he slid it down my nose, lips, chin, neck, cleavage, belly and ended at my bottom. He slapped it hard, he climbed on me, his erection and nuts were pressing against my vigina. He grabbed my breasts and started to massage them, he pinched my nipples and 'pack' slapped my boobs, they bounced a little bit which made him hardened down there.

"How about a 69 darling?" He asked and still i didn't react, he didn't notice that as he was lustful. He changed his position, his male part was near my mouth not to forget his hanging nuts and thoes butts. He tried to put it in my mouth which i refused to open. This made him angry,

"if you don't open that mouth I'm gonna empty my revolver in the hole of your cunt!" He threatened. I stayed like a corpse, I didn't care about his threats. He turned back again and faced me angrily.

"So this is how it gonna be huh! fine! you asked for it!" He untied my ankles, then my hands, i knew it would be useless if i tried to run away, one he's more stronger than me and second the revolver is too far away. He flipped me on my stomach and tied my ankles once again. This time only my hands were free, he sat infront of my head, he spread his legs, his male member stood straight.

"Last warning darling, take it into your mouth." He warned.

I accumulated a lot of saliva and i spite disgustingly on his balls.

"Still stubborn! You had fun sucking him huh? Bitch!" He grabbed my hair making me look into his eyes. He punched my jaws and kept calling me bitch, i opened my mouth to breathe hard, my jaws were paining as i felt the the bones cracked, he took advantage of that and thrust his dick inside. He slid a little bit down and kept thrusting roughly, he held my head so i couldn't move it. I hit him, scratched, pinched him but it didn't bother him. I gasped for air, i even threw up on his erection and last I bit it hard.

He screamed in pain, he let go of my head and kicked it hard with his leg.

"You will pay for this bitch!" He shouted then what happened next made me screamed in pain.

© Don't judge a book by its cover😇😇😇😇 ENJOYING BEING A WIFE AND A MOTHER🥰