


What does that word mean? When you first hear or read.
when you born, as a new baby, you must have no idea what does that mean,
how could be that when I myself till now don't understand that words meaning. And it hurts so much to get that feeling I guess and it can make a human life like hell, that's what I know about jealousy....

Sara , a 16 years old girl and now she got admission in a good reputated university. Not a high class family background but a one which can make the day goes well. She is very simple with full of knowledge inside the little brain. Good grades, good health and also good attitude.

But who's gonna compete with her?
Sana, a girl who comes from a high class family, her parents are well educated and famous for being so wealthy. Good looking, having a lot money to spend everywhere, everyone respect her because of her parents. Teachers are like, "You don't have to come daily Sana, we will help you in exam. "

Oh, she is lacking of both academic and life knowledge, no discipline, no respect towards others, like she can do everything just because she have money.

Sara always treated everyone with respect, no one can beat her with goodness. Polite, silence and peace anyone can feel just looking at her.

But days don't always go well, One day Sana's parents get to know about her bad behavior and so many complain about not being good. They stopped giving her both attention and money.

"Without money life is like tasteless honey. "
She never became like this, her friends started getting away from her, no one shows her goodness like before.

Everyone badmouth about her, and also those teachers started "comparing her with Sara. "

She closely looked at Sara,and wonder why she is so happy without money? So peaceful with her life, her parents are not wealthy like her.

She doesn't have anything yet everything. But Sara have so many things to enjoy the way everyone does, she grow up like this and when those things stopped theirs way, her life seems like nothing without them, just because she has been so attached to them.

One day the evil grow up inside her head, she could not control them anymore. Her surroundings became so dark that she can't feel light rays anymore.

She decided to end all of these,
first, make sure everyone stop
second, make sure who is perfect not let that one anymore.

So evil, she decided to kill Sara, the innocent one, who hardly talk with people.

That feeling was like envious, that " I "want everything best. " I" will have all the good things that doesn't need if I do or not.

The word "I" make people to do anything crazy like this, they can go so far. This is a feeling or something I even don't know.

"Be careful what you talk to yourself and feed to your mind. "

Sana went to kill Sara but couldn't when she saw how much vulnerable she have been all the times, when everybody things she have a best life among them.

Although Sara have a good attitude and good behavior towards others but still she never complain about her hidden life.

She learn to accept and moved as the time do. She sometimes could not handle her pain but she have so much patience and faith in her own self and GOD.

Thank you friends, if you read till end.
I have no experience of writing good stories but I am learning and trying, Because I feel so much peaceful after writing....
Again thank you for your precious times which you spend here just now.
Wish you have a great day and time forever from my bottom of heart, please never loose hope and faith from life. "You're Strong Enough. "

© SDSilone