

My Worth
"I will not be another flower picked for my beauty and left to die. I will be wild, difficult to find, and impossible to forget."

In this vast garden of existence, where every soul strives to be noticed, where every breath yearns for recognition, I have decided to be more. I have decided to resist the urge to be plucked too soon and placed in an idle vase, admired for my external allure, only to fade and perish, a forgotten specimen of transient beauty. No, I will not succumb to that fate.

My roots dig deep within the soil of self-awareness, firmly grounded in the realization that my worth extends far beyond the pigment of my petals. In this determination, I grow wild, unyielding to the whims of societal expectations. Like a rare orchid, I refuse to bloom merely to be picked, I demand to be witnessed in my full glory, in the splendor of my authenticity.

Each day, as the sun's golden fingers caress my face, I stretch my leaves toward the heavens, reaching for a life untamed. No longer shall I be content with existing in the corners of someone else's perception, reduced to compliments and fleeting admiration. Instead, I will unfurl my spirit, allowing it to dance with the wind, to soak in the rain, to mingle with the soil beneath my feet.

I will be wild, an enigma wrapped in the mystery of my own existence. My thoughts will traverse uncharted territories, delving into the depth of human emotions, embracing the cacophony of contradictions that resides within us all. I will ask questions that stir souls, that force ruptures in the fabric of comfort, for it is within those ruptures that new growth flowers.

Difficult to find, I will not craft myself into a predictable mold but will wander through the labyrinth of existence, exploring the intricacies of the universe that reside within and beyond me. I will be elusive, mischievous in my pursuit of knowledge, leaving traces of curiosity and wonder in every heart I encounter. A riddle, a puzzle waiting to be unraveled, no mere passerby shall be able to dismiss me easily.

And when memory fades, when time itself begins to melt into the annals of history, it is my fervent wish that I leave an indelible mark upon the tapestry of existence. I will carve a path of imprints upon the hearts of those I encounter, etching my presence into their very souls. For though our physical forms may fade, it is the legacy of our essence that lingers, a testament to the profound connection we share as beings in this bewildering journey.

For why should one strive to be readily forgotten, to slip quietly into oblivion when we are meant to be more? I refuse to settle for mediocrity, to become another faceless silhouette in a sea of forgettable moments. I yearn to be remembered, not for the fleeting beauty of my exterior, but for the fire that burns within, for the courage to be unapologetically myself.

I will not be another flower picked for my beauty and left to die. I will be wild, difficult to find, and impossible to forget. And in this pursuit of being the fullest expression of myself, of embracing the untamed wilderness within, I hope to inspire others to shed the chains of conformity and bloom fearlessly into the unique blossoms they were destined to become.
© Jevanjee