

KHUN LEE Prequel to The Hello Man Chapter 12
Years ago infact 300 years before Christ Britain had secret unknown wars. One of those days a unexpected war happened. It was Britain versus Russia. The leader of the Britain people's name was Hogan Lee. He had a 21 year old sun named Kuhn Lee. They always had a battle together since Khun became 17, fighting at each other's side, protecting each other. The hole England army had golden armor on them, very thin armor, now you might be thinking, did armor excited 300 years before Chirst, well in this universe it did. It was only Hogan who had a cape on his back, which meant he was the leader of the british people. Hogan loved his blue cape. The hole army of people on both sides took out their swords and the war began. Arrows shot into the sky on both sides. Blood splattered on both sides. Death happened on both sides. Hogan already killed so manny russians in a short period. All the sudden a arrow came flying out of nowhere and hit Hogan on his throat. He fell to the ground. While Khun watched it all happen as if it happened in slow motion. Khun began to scream on his loudest of pain when his dad hit down on the ground. Khun got extremely sad and angry at the same time. He just took his dad's cape and ran away from the battle and hid for years in a far away cave, training. He later went away from the cave to explore. After 3 years of exploring he found a secret rocky pyramid on a very high mountain. The pyramid was made of black rocks. Khun went inside the pyramid and saw a ancient sword. When Khun touched the sword he felt something extremely dark. His soul, flesh and blood turned into his own shadow and the darkness of the pyramid. His Skin was turning into some kind of black fog. It all happened slowly, he was screaming of the pain while the process took place. After the process he turned into some kind of dark entity. His skin was some kind of black fog, he didn't had any hair, he had his dad's blue cape on, he didn't had a shirt or armor on, but he well had black pants on. He took the sword. He traveled for many years. 700 Years later he reached Japan where he learned martial arts, karate, Judo, Kung-Fu and Aikido. After 60 years of successful training he became a living weapon. He started to kill at Tokyo. He killed at least 140 people there, then he went to China and killed 129 people there. He moved to India and killed more than 200 there. He also killed at Russia. At Russia he killed far more than 1600 people, for revenge. He later realized that he had super human strength and speed. He could also float a few small meters of the ground. He also traveled to a few places and towns like Paris, New York, South Africa, Egypt and Madagascar where he killed in total 19000 people. One day Khun became the most wanted being on Earth. Many people were after him. He just killed everyone who came near him. He became a nun-stop killing psychopath. 5 Years later his kill count became in total 198000. He even killed the best of the best people for a worthy battle, but no one was skilled enough to defeat him. He later stopped his travel when he reached the Pyramids of Giza. He noticed that he wasn't the only paranormal human there. There was also a Demon possessed in a dead Pharo's body. The Pharo and Khun fought each other and their battle was incredible. There were explosions every where untill the Pharo shot a small yellow thin bean at Khun between his white glowing eyes. Khun fell surprisingly dead on the ground while the Pharo just began his years of piece. When Khun died he passed Heaven, Hell and the Underworld and entered a dark realm called The Spirit Realm. There Khun was trapped with the evilest and darkest of people, demons and spirits who died also on Earth. There Khun could train with the other dark entities without dying, because he was already dead. His sword could taste blood again, but just the dead instead of a living. After 8 years in The Spirit Realm Khun later became the top and most dangerous and unstoppable being there.

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