

Sexy Teasers (Lesbian Erotica)
Singing to the song R.E.S.P.E.C.T, I walked down the street with a certain pep in my step. My golden locks swayed in beat as I sashayed down the street like a runway model. I could very well be that. With my deep dark gray eyes, petite frame and 5'6 height, I could own it! This time of day everyone is still in bed, snuggling close to someone. Which I am currently not doing, because men tend to be assholes. Been one whole month without the cheating creep. Which means six whole weeks without sex. Don't get me wrong, my ex and I had a very healthy sex life... That is, until he got fired. So I put him on a two week probation. Then the ass went out and slept around. I caught him on the night we were supposed to have make up sex. I'm really disliking men! Every time I give them a chance they mess it up. I know not all of them are bad, but one rotten apple generally spoils the bunch. And I'm getting real tired of biting into rot. I'm not gonna let thoughts of my obnoxious ex bring me down though. I refuse to allow him or any of them to kill my light.

Smiling brightly, I looked at the rising sun. This early in the morning there's not much open, so imagine my shock when I saw an open sign at the local book store. It was a simple brick building with a name that read 'Impulse Bookstore'. Hmm, to be honest, I don't think I've ever been inside of that store before. Shrugging my shoulders, I walked in. Might as well find something to occupy my new free time, seeing as I've acquired quite a bit of it. This store seemed like any other book store. Walls lined with shelves of numerous books. Dark wood tables next to comfy looking couches. There was no one at the front desk so I walked down the aisles lightly gliding my finger tips on the newly bound books. Lost in thought, I wandered down row after row. Some titles catching my attention. I pulled a few books from the shelves, collecting them in my arms when I heard a faint noise of what seemed like a whimper. Following the noise, I discovered that I was close to the back of the store. The sounds led me to a beautiful mahogany door, closed.

A short internal battle raged within me while I determined if I should or shouldn't investigate the noise. It could be something bad, like a killer, and if so, then I am doing what every white girl in the history of movies has ever done. But what if an old lady who probably owns this place fell and broke her hip. I can't just leave, she could be hurt. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Needless to say, what I saw, was not what I was expecting.

Sitting in a leather chair, a woman had her head back. Legs opened, exposing herself to me. Tattoos decorated her smooth legs, that draped over each arm of the chair. Pants, shoes, and underwear were tossed to the floor. And two, long fingers were knuckles deep into her clearly soaked opening. I was mesmerized. Her deep moans of pleasure shook me to my core as her fingers pumped steadily in and out of her with a growing speed. Never have I been so turned on by another women. Her liquid shined as it flowed onto the cushion under her. I could feel my own juices instantly growing at the sight of her. My body heating up at the desire now posed. Her naked body glistening with sweat, as her clean sweet aroma filled the room. I bit my lip in anticipation as my core twitched and heart rate increased. She began to rock her hips and roughly twist and pinch her pink nipples, moaning louder now. Her flower opened before me, as she penetrated herself. Slick essences illuminated the dark pink of her inner lips. Her muscles contracting as her orgasm neared. They bulged, like that of a hard worker, flexing and relaxing with each movement. Who the hell has those kind of muscles working at a book store? What the fuck kind if person has that? Her body shook as she squirted all over her hand, screaming out her pleasure. Hell, I was sexually frustrated and here before me is sex on a freaking platter! I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips. Or the loud crash of the books falling from my weakening arms.

I jumped back at the loud noise, and she... She froze. Oh no. Shit I'm in for it now! Her head rose up as black curls framed her almost angelic face. Her beauty alone captured me. She has to be the most enticing, beautiful, exotic woman I have ever seen. Her eyes a rebellious dark blue that stilled me where I stood. Her pink lips swollen with the force of her bite. Her steady eyes widened in shock, but still fogged with lust. I need to change my panties, I need to change my mind. Fuck, I need to change my seemingly infinite lack of control…like right now.

"How did you get in here?" Her voice was deep with lust, raspy as if she'd just woken up. Her accent was strange, as if she were from the Ukraine. But that did little to hinder the sexieness of her voice. Her eyes slowly traveled up my body as she spoke. Her fingers still buried within her. I couldn't speak, could hardly move. Could barely breathe. I was freaking petrified, as she silently waited for my response. My eyes were glued to her. As her hips slowly rocked on her fingers. Her eyes holding me steady. Seeing that I was unable to respond and seemed to resembled a deer in headlights instead of a functional human being, she continued to further raise my stress level as she slid her hand slowly out of her slick opening. Her smooth long fingers were glistening with her juices. To my purest of shock, she brought her fingers to her mouth and sensually liked her essence clean off each finger. Putting on a porn like show. By now I am certain that the crotch of my pants have a noticeable wet spot. Slowly she stood up, swaying her hips as she approached me. Her white, button down shirt falling, just below her once exposed slit. She stood like a vision of beauty in a dream of horror. Thick eyelashes, red lips, dreamy muscles, and incredibly tall. She is the tallest woman that I've ever seen. Her hair fell around her like a curly black blanket. Reaching all the way down to her far lower back. She could be a model, an Amazon. Something unreal.

"Would you like to participate?" she slowly licked her lips, my eyes unable to look away as she edged closer. "I could please you more than you've ever been before. I could awaken your deepest primal urges, sweet girl." As if by divine notion, I was snapped from my trance. She’s a Witch! A deadly, beautiful witch! She continued her slow approach and before she could say anything else and put me back under her hypnotic spell, I turned tail and ran.....

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