

Selfish Love (summary)

this story is about how selfishness could turn your life.

Selfish love:

a little girl (ruru) on the street was taken home by another little student (Marouqez), her family decided to adopt her since Marouqez and Ruru became too close and doesn't want to leave eachother. but as they get older, Ruru doesn't remember about the adoption, Marouqez liked her and decides to take advantage of it. convincing her they were friends the whole time, she wants her just for herself, she took her away from her friends, isolating her and threatens her if she doesn't follow what she was told to do.

total chapters: 14

IMPORTANT INFO: Maruqez is pronounced as Maru-Qiz. i just found out there was a celebrity with that name AFTER i wrote the story and created the name. but i said her name as Maru-Qiz and not marqez.
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