

Psycho Hunters
A guy passed out from alcohol woke up with a start in a rusty kennel-like cage. He sat up with a jerk and frantically looked around the dark barn he was in. He crawled to the door of the cage, and grabbed the thick horizontal bar, and started to shake. The cage made a clinking sound, but didn't budge. "Hey! Is anyone out there? Help!" he yelled out, but he only got silence in return. Then, the door to the cage opened. He cautiously crawled to it, looking at his left and right. Seeing no one, he jumped out, and started to run. Pushing open the door, he came to the night outdoors. He looked over the landscape of a farm. A house was close by to the direction of trees leading into a thick forest. The house was made of old rotting wood with no lights on. The man ran to the house, thinking it was abandoned. Swing open the door, he didn't see anyone. Just old junk littering the wooden flooring. He carefully walked in avoiding the broken glass and ceramic peices on the floor. Walking in to what looked like a kitchen, he quickly pulls out the drawers, and swings open cabinets looking for a weapon. Then, as he opens the last cabinet, there's a large kitchen knife. He grabs it, but then hears laughter of little kids. He looks around alarmed, checking everywhere. But, sees nothing. "You look like fun." a little boy's voice says. But, when the man looks around, there's still no one there. "I guess he dose. But, how should we play with him?" a little girl's voice followed. "I have an idea." the little boy says before giggling. Suddenly, a light flickered on in a room. The man followed it, feeling a bit braver with the knife. As he got closer, he heard a girl humming, "London Bridge is Falling Down". He peeked into the room seeing it was a little girl's room. And sitting in the center on a rug, was a brown haired girl in a white dress. She seemed to be holding a doll in her hands as she hummed. "Hey, little girl. Are you ok?" he asked. She didn't answer, just kept humming. "Little girl?" he asked touching her shoulder. Then, the room started to rot away in the same condition as the rest of the house. The walls were stained in red, and the little girl, was no where to be seen. The man jumped back holding up his knife in all directions. Then, he felt something slash his leg. The cut was small but deep, and with it, was the laughter of a little boy. He ran outside but stopped. Then, he heard the mixed laughter of a little boy and girl. He turned, and in the doorframe was a boy and girl holding hands. "Come and play with us." they said together. He turned to run, but was stopped by a figure. His head jerked to his left and a large gash bled from his cheek. "How rude, refusing two little kids." The figure stepped closer to the illuminated moonlight. A man's white mask with two red Xs as his eyes stared at him. He raised two knifes already stained with fresh blood. The man pointed his one knife at him, his arm shaking with fear. Then, he moved to the side showing the open door. The man looked suspiciously at the masked man, but darted to the door. "Young man." he stopped hearing a sweet, soft voice. He looked up a staircase to his right and saw a beautiful blond girl. Her green eyes shined like two polished emeralds. She was undoubtfully beautiful in a white dress. Then she smiled sweetly, "Young man in silver arm, must you leave so brashly?" she sang with a beautiful voice walking down the stairs slowly. But, as she sang, he felt dizzy, and it didn't feel right. She didn't feel right. He started to stagger away, clumsily running outside. His head cleared up a little, and he darted into the woods. After running a bit, there was a series of gunshots. He froze, glancing around the trees. Suddenly, a searing pain served through his body from his leg. He fell onto his knees, and touched the source of the pain. SomeSomething wet stained his hands, he didn't need to look at it to know, it was blood. A bolt of fear hit him, and he started to run in a random direction. The trees above started to shake, and someone talked behind him. "You're really trying to run? You're foolish to think that you'll make it out alive." his voice became distant to nothing. Then, there was the sound of traffic ahead. His hopes raised and his steps began to race. He was almost there. He was almost in the clear. Suddenly there was a light thong and a bleeding pain shot on his foot, and he couldn't move. He looked down, and could make out an arrow pinning his foot to the ground. He bent down quickly, and tried to pull it out. But then, there was rustling around him. He turned his head alarmed, only to see rippling leaves from something fast. He raised his knife, following the trails. And suddenly, the knife was knocked out of his hand, and frozen about two inches from his face, was a black plastic bow. Holding it, was a girl. She wore a black mask, hiding the area around her eyes. "W-who are you?" he stammered. She didn't speak, and loaded another arrow. She aims it right at his forehead, "Wait! Please!" he begged. She hesitated for just a minute, like she savored his reaction. Then, with a stoned face, put the arrow through his head.