

An unexpected surprize meet
"i wish you were here"

"I apologize, sweetie. I really tried to get in there, but I was unable to contact you due to an unexpected meeting. Do not worry, though; Sandeep will be there to pick you up shortly."
Adi replied.

Adi and I have been really good friends since 2018. We met at a conference hosted by the AMIE Association in Delhi. Since then, we have become both planning business partners and close friends. I am here today to attend a conference, but I was very uncomfortable in this unfamiliar location.

A man in black jeans and a white t-shirt ran up to me and said, "Hi, this is Sandeep; Aditya told me to pick you up."
"Hello..hmm," I said with a smile.

I followed him as he picked up my bag and headed for his car.

"Well, Sandeep, I am starving. I want to eat something, can we stop somewhere?"
"I have already brought some non-spicy takeout for you because you do not like spicy food," he said with a smile. "It is Bangalore, and most of the stalls across the street serve spicy food."
A friendly smile appeared on my face.
"It feels like we are friends; thank you for your concern," I said as I opened the packet. It was mashed potato cheese sandwish, my favorite. I was extremely happy.
Naturally, it makes us feel amazing when we eat our favorite food when we are hungry.

"I have added a pinch of sugar and ajjwain to this water, so have it to avoid your motion sickness. We have long to go," Sandeep said as he handed me a water bottle after a short while.
I was taken aback to see that someone I did not know well cared for me and was aware of all my preferences. For a few moments, I felt as if he knew me well, but then I realized that Adi may have told Sandeep about all of this in order to prepare.
After a few minutes of silence, I decided to have a brief conversation with Sandeep to avoid feeling bored. I looked at Sandeep and asked, "Adi and you are friends?"
"No, we live together."

"Hey, do you and Adi work in the same office?"

"No, I teach at a business school as a professor."

"So, if you both share a room, you might be good friends. Then tell me something funny about Adi so that I can tease him when we have an argument," I asked, laughing.

Suddenly he stopped the car, approached me close, and said, "Shilpa, you know me well, it is just that you could not recognize me yet."

I was shocked and asked, "What do you mean? And why are you so close to me? Please maintain distance, as we are unknown."

He smiled and said, "So you still did not recognize me? Well, I understand you had not seen me. Okay, then I am giving you 10 minutes to think about it and tell me who I am."

I could not think of anything, so I called Adi, but he did not answer. I was really afraid, and foolish and pessimistic thoughts were all over my head.
Without warning, my gaze landed on Sandeep's phone's back cover. "Cursed with a boon" was written there.
That was a name I knew.
Obviously more familiar. That is the name of the story writer/author I like most on the "writco" app.
I was afraid to ask him anything at this point because I no longer wanted to speak with the man who was acting so enigmatic.

"Well, do you remember anything now?"

"Regarding what?"

"I guess I gave you ten minutes to think about my identity," he said, stopping the car.

"I do not know you, and please stop scaring me with these things. Please drop me off near Adi soon. I want to speak with him. Now, please drive."

"How could you be scared of your man?" he asked in a melodramatic tone.

This time, I was really shocked and surprised. The only option I could think of was to get out of the car and run.

When I was about to open the door, he grabbed my hand and stopped me, saying, "I am Sandeep, famous under the name "cursed with a boon," your favorite writer and crush. And I am Aditya's elder brother."

It felt like an unexpected surprise to me. I could not believe my own eyes. My emotions at the time were like a puzzle. I was blushing or happy, surprised or scared. What was I up to at the time? I was absolutely speechless.

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-Shilpa Priya Dash