

How To Quiet The Storm Of Marriage

Marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman who have agreed to come together to live as one to make a family and also have the same things in common like; values, life goals, and morals, marriage is a lifetime commitment that can be a union full of pure bliss achieved through always reaching a mutual understanding, by overlooking little indifferences which was well sorted out during the period of courtship or it could be a lifetime of torment because of misunderstandings that could not be reached to reconciliation because two adult babies refused to grow up and thought that marriage was a playground and so they brought their toys to play instead of bringing the patient character, that endures and tolerates to the marriage table.

Marriage is a give-and-take union between two mature in mind adults who come together to defile all odds and try to talk their way through any misunderstanding and compliment each other's shortcomings, make up for their partner's flaws because they are all made perfectly by their imperfections, you are supposed to treat someone who you profess to love with the highest regard there is at your disposal, never to judge them because they are a better part of you, they are supposed to complete you, what do you stand to gain when you inflict unbearable pain on yourself? Yes, I said it, they are the second part that completes you because no matter what you do, they are a reflection of you from the very moment you said "YES! I DO".

How do you sleep when you know you hurt someone whom you share the same roof, bed, blood, and even children with? This is someone you have vowed to stand with whether in good or bad times, now you are the person that is giving them the worst feelings they ever had in their life instead of making good memories with them, making them think loving you was the worst mistake they made in their life, the same person you vowed to always love and protect their interest with your life is the person you always go out of your way to spite, thereby ruining and demonizing the marriage institution for people who eagerly and genuinely want to have the sensation of that once in a lifetime experience.

It does not matter who is wrong or right, what matters is the bond you share, and that bond supersedes every other thing that comes along, nothing is supposed to make you insult or engage in a physical fight with your spouse, it is foolish and senseless because it is like you fighting against yourself, it is like scoring an own goal, no one is proud of beating himself, so it is better things are handled with maturity, selflessness, humility, and respect.

There are no middle grounds in marriage, you could be 40 years old with a mind and sense of an 18-year-old person, and you could be 18 years old and be equipped with the mind of a 40-year-old person, maturity all depends on character and mindset, not necessarily the age of an individual, so watch out for what works for you before you delve into marriage, step into it with all your mental Kits.

Don't just get married because people are getting married, marry because you feel you are ready and you have found someone whom you genuinely love, respect, and understand, someone who you always come to terms with more often than not, someone who sees through you like glass, someone who knows your weakness and helps you to be courageous when life slaps you with new challenges, someone who is always in competition with you, instead of always being by your side cheering you to do be better, someone who corrects you with love and respect and does not believe your marriage is a battlefield, someone who is always acting like they are trying to win a medal by always trying to out do you and make a mockery of all your efforts instead of trying to bring out the best in you, they do all they can to bring out the worst in you, marry somebody who will always do their best to help you to get it right when you get it left.

F.I.D libraries.