

Mixed Blessings
On April 25 1984 Terence was 27 years old and he was coming down to McCormick South Carolina to see his mother and grandmother. Mom I have good news said Eva what is it? Constantine ask my son Terence is coming down he said he is getting married how exactly replied Eva. Wow I wonder who is his special someone? Constantine ask I don’t know mom you and I both will get to meet her when Terance brings her here replied Eva. That day on Constantine left she had to go spend a night with her sister at her house. After Constantine left a knock came at the door Eva opened the door and there standing at the door was her son Terance. Hey mom said Terance hello son I am happy you came replied Eva where is grandma? Terance ask oh your grandmother will be back tomorrow replied Eva. Mom are you ready to meet my special someone? Terance ask well yeah who is she? Eva ask well she is coming here to sleep here in a few days we are getting married her name is Abilene but there are two things you need to know about her replied Terance. What are the two things? Eva ask well Abilene is black and she is 44 years old replied Terance why would you marry a woman that’s way older then you Terance? Well me and Abilene weren’t really thinking about that we were just thinking how happy we were replied Terance. Well I am not going to crush your dreams I am your mother I always wanted you to be happy so if your happy then I am happy replied Eva. That day on Abilene came to Eva’s house she knocked and Eva opened the door hello there you must be Terance’s mother? Abilene ask yes and you must be Terance’s fiancé? ask Eva yes ma,am replied Abilene we weren’t expecting to see you till Thursday said Eva. I know I am sorry I forgot I just miss Terance replied Abilene well I got a question to ask you said Eva what is it ma,am? Abilene ask why do you want to marry my son? Eva ask because he is so nice and sweet he felt in love with me and I felt in love with him back replied Abilene well I don’t won’t my son marrying you Abilene said Eva. Why not? Ask Abilene two reasons you are 44 years old and you are black replied Eva well I don’t see color I only see what’s in the heart and Terance sees the same thing we aren’t worried about our age what only matters is if we are happy replied Abilene. You know what you are right I agree with you and I do want you to marry my son said Eva that made Abilene smile. In the morning Abilene’s mother and aunts came over to Eva’s house the mother knocked on the door and Eva opened it. Hello my name is June and these are my two sisters Libby, and Harriet said June hello nice to meet you three my name is Eva I am Terance’s mother replied Eva. Hello mom said Abilene Oh hello my sweetheart let’s meet that someone replied June mother aunt Libby, and aunt Harriet this is my fiancé Terance replied Abilene. This is your special somebody? June ask mom we already talked about this remember? Ask Abilene yes but you didn’t tell me he was white replied June but what does that has to matter? Eva ask no daughter of mine will be marrying a sloppy white boy replied June. Well I don’t won’t my son to marry your daughter said Eva why because you hate black people? June ask no but your daughter is older then my son what is she gonna do with a 27 year old boy? Eva ask I don’t know Abilene if you marry him you will regret this for the rest of your life replied June then Constantine came in the door and everybody was staring at her. What is this a race meeting? Ask Constantine grandma I want you to meet my fiancé her mother and her two aunts we are getting married soon replied Terance. Wow she got gray hairs on her face like a man said Constantine those are insulting words hold my purse replied June. Stop it all of you there is no need to fight over this you all should be celebrating for us said Abilene well we aren’t come on girls replied June and all three of them left. That night June and her sisters came back over Eva’s house they apologized for being rude Eva made hot chocolate for them all. I am happy that we made up girl I am for real sorry for yesterday said June yes we are sorry for how rude we were to you yesterday replied aunt Libby it’s all good girls we good now said Eva. That night the girls were talking about Abilene and Terance then Constantine told where Abilene and Terance both were there were at New Chapel Baptist Church the ladies rushed over there fast they made it there safely. Look me and Terance are going to marry each other rather you both like it or not said Abilene well we don’t like it replied June well you both better because me and Terance are going to give both of y’all a grandchild and if you both want to see the child y’all better be happy replied Abilene What are you trying to say Abilene? June ask mother I am pregnant replied Abilene that night June and Eva talked to each other they both agreed to be happy. Alright we are happy that you both are getting married now we are going to see y’all in the church replied Eva and that made Abilene and Terance happy.
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