


Love! We think we know what it means until it arose inside us. The weakness of a woman is loving the wrong man. The man she thinks is right for her. The man she thinks they are going to have a future and build a mansion together. What happen when the love fails?
Yes. There is a beautiful woman who thought she met the love of her life, a woman with a meaningful name Angela. That name describes her so well because she is beautiful, amazing, caring and always think about the future.
Before she knew her own definition of love, her father always tells her “my daughter love is powerful, love is amazing, love will make sadness feel like happiness, but love is DANGEROUS”. It was hard for her to understand because she has not seen the reality of love. At that time, Angela thinks the love her dad was talking about was the present she receives on her birthday, the attention she gets from her family and the “I LOVE YOU” her parent always pronounce to her.
One day, Angela was with her father having a teatime together. She asked her father; “father what type of love do you and mum have?” Her father smiled and said to her, the love between me and your Mother is a precious love and with that precious love there is a feeling. A feeling that started growing like a flower, the feeling that we need to take care of, for it not to wither. Angela looked at her father and asked again; “what made the feeling strong?” Her father looks at her and said, God made the feeling stronger by sending you to us. They both laughed and Angela’s curiosity about her parent’s love ended.
BUT! It seems like her love story began.
Angela was old enough to find love, but do you think she is going to find the right one.

Chapter 2
“The type of love we have in our generation”
Even though Angela understood the true meaning of love, but what she does not understand is the type of love we have in this generation. The love she understood was the love of her parent. Will Angela patiently find love by learning the type of love we have in this generation or will she learn from experience.
YES experience. Experience of her meeting someone that she thinks, she will be able to build beautiful love experience with, not knowing they don’t share the same love or the experience of her meeting someone that will teach her the type of love we have in this generation.
“I know you are probably thinking what type of love this generation has; well continue reading”
This generation build different type of love, the love we did not have before we were born. Why? Because we pronounce love from our mouth without knowing the definition. We think love is a book, when we finish one chapter we move on to the next. In this generation we have love of hatred, love of revenge, love between enemies, love of sexual intercourse, true love, and love without meaning.
Coming soon………