

searching for true soulmate pt 6
Today Shaina is so happy but everyone at school is so shocked to see her new self . Today also is special for this little gang because it's Mishti's birthday today, Shaina is looking for her to wish her . But there's no clue of Mishti, Shaina has looked for her at whole school but she's can't find her. Now she knows where she can be so without wasting a minute Shaina went to Mishti's secret place, where she goes when she's upset or sad infact it's a secret place of whole group. As she went there she saw Mishti is sitting with a wall crowled like a ball. Shaina got shocked by seeing her in this state, so she quickly went to her and ask her what happened to her. As Shaina is a only person Mishti share her secrets with she told her.
Shaina: hey babe what happened why are you crying let me know I'll help you .
Mishti: No it's nothing big you know my family problems right so .
Shaina: did anything happens again..? tell me.
Mishti: you know today is my birthday right but they didn't even remember like i have no value in there life. i know it's not a big deal but why am i feeling so upset.
" she started crying so hard"
Shaina: hey hey don't cry don't you think you are underestimating me
Mishti: what do you mean?
Shaina let's go I'll show you.
They went to their school canteen and their whole class is here. Actually Shaina has prepared a surprise for her and Mishti is so shocked to see all that.
Mishti: when did you do this?
Shaina: don't ask let's go let's cut the cake.
As she cut the cake everyone wishes her and she's happy now.
Mishti: i dont know how but you are such an angel for me babe i love you my bestie.
Shaina: hey don't call me angel you are going to ruin my reputation and don't make me cringe by saying love you and all.
Pri: wow did i raise you too so that you'll avoid your mom just like that.
Shaina: you little brat stop there I'll show you who's the real mom.
Now Shaina is running behind Pri and Mishti is watching these two kids.As they school happily over now but Shaina is still feeling uneasy that how will she face AjayIn all these thoughts she is now in front of her coaching classes and trying to hold courge to get inside.
Pri: let's go what are you thinking.
Mishti: maybe about her someone special.
Shaina: oh shut up let's go inside' she said and walked inside"
Pri: someone is so into love
Mishti: i know right but let's go now we are going to get late for the class.
" she said and dragged pri to their class, as they went there they can see Shaina is talking to Ajay with smile on her face"
Pri: oh my that's really rare to see Shaina talking to boy even with smiley face. i am going to faint , Mishti hold me please.
Mishti: yeah yeah drama queen.
Pri: but i am really happy that atleast she has someone now who care for her. " she said and went to say beside Shaina and Ajay'
Mishti: i dont know but i don't have good vibes about this guy he is overly nice " she thought in her mind"

Is pri right about Ajay or Mishti's doubt is true let's see with time passes.

stay tuned to be continue......

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