

Toxic Parents
The toxicity Parents received as a Human being throughout their Whole life, when this is infused and injected in us, we are affected by it and it's negativity then our parents can be called as Toxic Parents. The toxic parents affects us and our life greatly as they all are part of our family members. Due to having toxic culture and toxic elements inside of our parents they also try to provide all those toxic input in Developmental stage of a child. The major differences between General Parents and Toxic Parents are created due to different lifestyle and pattern of life and as a consequence of that there having a huge of observable difference between the son or daughter in both case. There might having Toxic relationship in family in presence of Toxic Parents and a lack of understanding or misunderstanding or miscommunication. In parenting plan there might be some of Toxic inputs in case of Toxic Parents. In daily routine of life or in day to day life every day even some moments can be toxic hence can be transformed into toxic day due to imposing toxic elements in every day or in some moments. The toxicities in teaching and Grooming from parents received by son or daughter can make more toxic life and behavior. In today's world and modern era Internet addicted child are already toxicated by digital world the more toxicity elements received from toxic parents can make child over toxicated. In most of educated and professional family where parents are busy with their work and as a result of that child living their life in alone being isolated from Professionalparents due to having lack of time for parents to their children so the toxicity generated due to not having enough teaching and proper communication from parents side are being injected to the children borned and brought up in modern family culture.

© Arka Samanta