

Thank god she didn't listen!😂(Just for fun)

Husband:"Ashwini...bring me a cup of coffee☕!"
wife :Ashwini?!🙍‍♀️"
Husband :"oh I am sorry ...shanthi ... that was by mistake😅."
W:"How can you forget my name?🤨"
H:"arre! no my dear ... that was my assistant's name... it was by mistake😶"
w:"oh! you remember your assistant's name..but forgot my name...ha?!😤"
H:"I didn't forget your name... that was by mistake.🙄"
w:"so,by mistakenly you forgot my name right!😒"
H:"oh my god!😐"
w:"Why are you calling god now? ... you mean I am torchering you?😢"
H:"No no...why are you taking everything in a negative way?😬"
w:"oh!you means to say that I am a negative person🥺 ....okey okey..."
h:"I didn't mean that... I know that you are a positive and a funny person.😅😄.."
W:"oho ! you mean I am a joker?👿"
H:"what the hell is this!😨"
w:"oho! you remember you always say that I am your angel.now this angel became devil👹 huh!"
H:"what's wrong with you?😵....I already told you that it was by mistake!"
W:"Yeah! you always find wrongs in me only.😏😣"
H:"okey fine! ... what's your final word?😬"
w:"say sorry.😠"



W: Its okey my dear😃😄
I know what you are...🤗
I understand you to the sky💯
okey leave it now.🤪
which coffee do you want?😉
Cappuccino. ...☕🍵🥃🥛
Espresso. ...
Flat White. ...
Long Black. ...
Macchiato (also known as a Piccolo Latte) ...
Mochaccino. ...
Irish Coffee....?"
Husband:(wife is a dangerous creature man!)
wife:"what did you say?"
Husband:"nothing dear... give me any coffee you like...your wish... I like what ever you like ... .. 🤐"
Wife:"you are soo sweet."😊
Husband :(Thank god!she didnt hear🥵)

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