

The Silencer - Chapter 5
Chapter 5 - Classes dismissed.

Monday is finally here, the dreaded day where I have to go to class.

My thoughts were solely trained on the murders that took place last week and the note that I received last night.

The note.

The note puzzled me, and Faith's actions.

Why didn't she tell the police that she was the next victim?

Why would the Silencer give her a warning note?

Was it the Silencer who gave her that note in the first place?

Why does the note look like some old parchment?

I had so many questions and very few answers.

"Miss Camlotte!" My English professor shouted.

"Y-yes Ms. Bayne?"

"Remember that the university already has your money, please pay attention to the lesson."

"Oh, yes I'm sorry it won't happen again."

"Alright class, read up from chapters thirty-three to fifty on the importance of grammar in writing," She announced.

"I want a two hundred paged essay on your reflection of the chapters and your course work is due next class,"

"You are dismissed." She said.

I dragged myself out of the classroom, my eyes drooping with every step that I took.

Suddenly my body made collision with someone else's.

"Ow!" The person said.

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean t- Asher?"

"Oh, B-Bryer, what an odd coincidence," Asher stumbled.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, I'm actually heading to the Oak trees for lunch, d-do you want t-to join me?" He asked.


The shy thing looked up at me with a slight smile on his face, that's when I saw it.

"Oh my god! Asher, what happened to your face!?" I questioned.

The boy looked down quickly, using the black hoody that he has on, to hide the unbelievably large bruise on his cheek.

He looked like someone slapped him six feet under.

His right cheek and eye were swollen and his lip was split.

"This...um...It's um...ah nothing, I just hit my head in a pole while coming here," He said.

I didn't believe a word that came out of his mouth at all.

The poor thing looked beat up, but if he doesn't want to talk about it, I'm not going to push him.

"Ohk, well you should be more careful next time ok?"

"Y-yeah sure." He replied, surprised that I went along with his lies.

"Alright lead me to these Oak trees that you were talking about." I changed the subject.

After lunch, I decided to head to my dorm with Madeline as I had no more classes for the day.

We got into the car and caught up to speed.

Not even ten seconds later, the car began to swerve out of control as a girl ran into the middle of the road, screaming.

We pulled the car to a stop safely, getting out to confront the girl.

"What the hell was that Evelyn!" Madeline barked.

"You could've died!" She continued.

"Help!" Evelyn cried.

"What's going on?" I asked.

I-It's Angel! She started coughing violently in class, and h-her, her face it's... it's turning purple!" Evelyn cried.

"I tried to help by hitting her back, but she started seizing up! Please help her!" She stammered.

"Ohk, ohk, let's go Maddy!" I exclaimed.

"Evyln, go to Chancellor Ingerd and get professional help now!" I ordered.

Evyln ran off towards the main hall where the Chancellor's office is.

We hurried to the classroom to see Angel choking on the floor, fraught coming out of her mouth and her face, a violent shade of purple.

"Angel!" Madeline cried.

"Mads come on, let's try hitting her back again! Maybe she was trying to tell Evelyn to knock harder?" I inquired.

Angel violently shook her head before we even got to her.

Instead, her shaking hands held up a note.

"What's that? Angel, you're literally dying and you're giving us a damn paper! Are you mad!" Madeline stressed.

"Maybe it's to help us?" I suggested.

I took the paper from Angel's hand while Madeline tried hitting her back again.

However, Angel wasn't having any of it, she was pushing Madeline off of her, her attention was solely on the note.

"Read out loud-" I read in my mind.

"Stop trying to look for me, or you'll be silenced next! ~Silencer"

After I've finished reading the note, a shooting arrow hit Angel right in her chest.

We all screamed, looking at Angel in horror.

We tried to rush over to her to try and stop the bleeding but the lights went out.

They finally came on after a few minutes.

I ran over her, screaming as her lifeless body had an arrow in her chest, her neck slit opened, and her mouth stitched shut!

I looked around to see if I could spot the culprit.

Our screams echoed throughout the building but both for different reasons.

Mine was, how the hell does he know that we're investigating him!?

I bet Madeline was thinking, What the hell just happened?

The Chancellor rushes in with some paramedics and the police.

They were all shocked at the discovery.

Thanks for reading! 💝
© Gabrielle Collins