

Mark and Jane Part 3( The final)
Jane had caught him on bed twice with another girl and have seen some naked pictures of other girls he has slept with, but never said anything to him just because she loves him.(You will ask was she a fool but the answer is No)she was just trying to keep her relationship from falling off.
But something happened one day and that really ended the long-lasted relationship between Mark and Jane. Jane put Mark on a test which he never knew and he failed the test,so Jane made up her mind to let everything go even though is not easy but she has to try. And ever since she has left Mark things started working out for her, people where now seeing the difference in her because her skin is now shinning because she can now make use of her savings, cause she does not have to give it to Mark again and look so unkept. Mark on the other hand is now trying to bring her back to him with different manners.
But now Jane had really made up her mind never to go back to him because the life she is living now is better than when she was with Mark.
1.Do you think Jane should go back to Mark?
2. Was Jane a fool for loving Mark?
3. Do you think Mark is a good guy?
please can i get some answers.