

It was now exactly two weeks since the chat with Lanre. Her face never leaving my mind, not even for a second. For the duration of that period, I was always tempted to reach for my phone and give her a call, but somehow, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I was just about going on my lunch break when I heard a knock on my door "Come in"
"Hi doc, I know this is unexpected and I'm really sorry. Your P.A. wasn't at the desk."
I couldn't tell if I was excited or just plain scared to see her but my heart skipped a bit. And so I began with a stutter
"Yea…hmm! Yes I sent her to pick some stuff up. Hmm! How have have you been Miss Adewaju…sorry Adelaide? Been a while."
She released a slight laugh and I could swear, I heard angels sing. Was she always this beautiful? What sort of a question was that? Of course she was quite stunning. How had I not seen before? It's like I was seeing this woman for the first time and I had been seeing her for over a year and…and… "Yes doc, that's why I'm here. I'm hoping I could treat you to lunch. I'll explain everything."
"Well, I was just about to step out on my lunch break so, that's quite alright."
"...that's why I've been avoiding you. I was just scared out of…of…it just felt like dejavu all over again. Love hasn't been very kind to me. I kinda promised myself that I won't give any man the chance to hurt me again and…when looked into your eyes in that moment…I can't explain what I saw. It made me feel warm and safe and "that" happened and I panicked. You must probably think I'm silly and all and I'm soooo sor.."
"Hey, you have nothing to be sorry for, okay. I perfectly understand and the truth is…the truth is…I'm really glad you came, you've done something I never had the courage to. You know, I have a confession to make and I know it will sound stupid…I…I…it's taken me quite a while to come to terms with it but…I…I…" In that silence, I just looked into her eyes and at that moment, we both knew. We had always known, somewhere deep down, we had always felt it.
We just knew. "That was what scared me more. Therapists may look like these giant bulwarks of confidence who are masters at dealing with stuff, but we are humans too and we also have fears and all. I had a woman in my life once, even went as far as getting engaged. But, just like you I found out she had been cheating all along. She said that she loved me, but I was a little boring, always playing it safe and…she said I was a perfectionist and…I was a sorry mess. But somehow I didn't die, pulled myself together eventually and that started me on this path. I was determined to help as many as I could, to give a listening ear to the ones who are broken inside. It was what started me on the path of being a therapist. So, you weren't the only one that freaked out that day. The point I'm trying to make is that…I…I think I love Adelaide and I know that it will sound silly to you and…"
"Dr. Damian…it doesn't sound silly to me at all." At first her hand brushed over mine and then gently rested on the top of my hand and I could feel electricity from that touch that travelled my entire body in a split second. Somehow I wondered?
Was I ever really in love before? This was bliss.

(to be continued)
© Charisma