

If you ever broke up or gotten your heart broken don't give up because although it may feel like you'll never be as happy as you once were it's not true. That happiness within you is there, but usually when you break apart from someone you have feelings for you lose your motivation to keep striving for your goals and dreams. The thing that most people miss is that it really isn't the person that keeps you positive it's yourself.

Since your with someone you care about you start thinking about your future with them and things you want to accomplish which is simply just a mental state that is positive because your feeling happy. Here's the thing most people don't understand, you can't choose who you fall in love with it's all feeling. So if you dream to have true love and you get with someone that you think loves you, but doesn't he simply wasn't the one. Don't try to get with someone because you think they're the one, get with someone you know is the one.

You can usually tell when you're with the right one because they show a lot of interest in you and give you their undivided attention. They also understand and communicate with you consistently. The final way you know their the one is when they make you their priority and treat you respectfully, also they never judge you and fully accept you for the way you are.

Always remember to use your brain and feel with your heart. Remember, it takes more than just a couple of compliments and nice words to care about someone. It takes a passion to want to spend your life with someone you love. So, if you don't have anyone just wait and love will find it's way too you. @Daveman #Inspire #Love #Motivate #Relationship #Heartbreak #breakup #Life