

A Mountainside Escape
The world was so beautiful. I had never gotten to explore the world on my own, always with my siblings and our escort. Now, I was free and running down the road feeling the air rush past me. Mountains surrounded the road I was on, and while I had seen mountains before, I had never been able to rotate completely to see them all at the same time. Is this what others who were free were able to see every day? Such beauty, the mountaintops against the bright blue of the sky, the green grass all around the road with flowers exploding from the grass in patches. All my life I had traveled with my siblings and our escort, as far back as I could remember we had traveled together as a family. I, being the most adventurous, occasionally would get into scraps and would leave with cuts and markings from these adventures. I always pretended I was defending another in distress, and I was fighting off dragons or ogres to protect their honor, then once they were free, we would ride off into the sunset together. Just us, not my family, just my love and me. And now, here I was off on my own, hurrying down the mountain past other families who stared in horror at seeing me on my own. Well, they could kiss the dust I left in my wake. I refused to go back to the life I had been living before, practically a slave in my family. Well, maybe slave was the wrong word. My family loved me, I knew that, but they constantly tethered me to the Earth and refused to let me open...