

Settle It
The instructions were clear:
'Go in, retrieve the package, don't look back.'
That simple.
I did everything right until I looked back... standing behind me was him.

My former stepfather.
"Move boy," he said with distain.
My stomach dropped to the floor. Something bad is going on if he's here.

I walked inside the apartment. A stentch so bad I could taste it. It could only be decaying flesh. Whenever he's around so is death. He never cared for me. My only choice is to finish this job and get the hell out of here. When he refuses to pay... be ready to run. Hopefully he'll let me go with a broken nose.

I see the pursue on the bed just as they said. I grab it and run out. As soon as my eyes locked on the old man I froze like a deer in headlights on the doorstep.

In a hushed rough voice he said,"My boy.... move away from the light. Don't make me come after you."

He was as dark as the shadows in the alley. Another dangerous rat ready to feed on the dead. Suddenly I'm ten years old. He had me get my mom's purse before she disappeared, but most of all I remember the smell of the room. Deep down I know she didn't leave me. This Purse in my hand... looks just my mom's Valentino.

Again... how could this be happening again. He used me before. Why use me again? He's killed again. I'm his stupid fallguy.

This time he must have left the body to pin the murder on me. That's where he messed up the first time. The smell wasn't enough for a murder conviction. But with mom gone he could lock me up in a mental ward.

No wonder these losers needed me so badly. I was their plan.

Take a breath. Take a step.
Get closer... one shot. Don't miss.

He's twelve feet away. Keep moving forward. Get closer. Closing in. Be ready. The Valentino probably still has mom's loader revolver. The weight kinda feels the same.

"Hey toss it over," he said with a Devi's grin. The steel of the revolver reflected in his eyes as he glared inside like a kid opening his Christmas presents.

"Oh...Ohh!" I shoved my hands down inside my pants to move my dick around while I hunched over making sounds of pain.

"Boy.. boy! Quit that!" He pulled out the gun and cocker the hammer. "Let me do you fav..."

before he could finish..

I raised up and held my dick higher than the barrel as I pulled the trigger shooting stepdad in the crotch.
All I could think... 'Settle it!', 'Make him suffer', 'death to piece of garbage'
Please God let him suffer. A slow flesh rotting death with rats to tear him a part.

As my bullet hit him by surprise in the dick, my mom's old gun backfired at the same time. The bullet went through his heart. He didn't even suffer or linger in pain.

My disappoint lasted for days.
© reynaober