

Blood🍷. Episode 2
"Haven't you read the history of that school, it's bloody"
She scoffed
"Wake up to reality Ravena, there's no such thing as vampires, werewolves and demons"
"There is, and I'm sure of it"
"Then suit yourself, I'm off to school"
She left me there drowning in my own thoughts

💙Lenora's POV💙
"Where's your sister, haven't you told her about her admission yet?"
"Mom, she's crazy, maybe you should talk to her"
"And where are you off to young lady?"
"To school of course"
"Be careful, don't stay out late, be back soon"
"Bye Lenora" Ravena waved at me while coming out from her room
"Bye" I replied before taking my leave
💙 💙

💛Ravena's POV💛
I faced my mom
"I don't wanna study at Raven High"
"Because I've been reading some kinda books and I don't like the school's history"
"It's just history, I've told you to stop reading history, what has gotten into you?"
"Nothing mom"
''Thats it, I'm burning those books"
"No way, you can't do that"
"Ravena, you're studying at Raven High whether you like it or not"
she cut me off
"No buts, get ready for tomorrow, you're going to school"
There's no way I'm going to win this argument
"okay, but on one condition"
"What condition?"
"we won't leave this city and you won't get rid of my historical books"
"Okay, I'll be upstairs in my room, now start preparing"
She left and I smiled.
If they don't wanna agree with me then I have to go on this adventure even though it's bloody🍷.
My history books will be of great help to me.
Time to have an adventure Ravena, a bloody🍷 one, I'm going to explore every nook and cranny of Raven High, vampires exist and I'm sure of it, I'll prove it. I must find a vampire and I'll start by being a student of Raven High.

© Authoress Cassie 💋
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